Recent content by sweetvirginia

  1. S

    Travel hopes for 2022

    We spent two months in France this past summer (July/August 2021). We were lucky to get in just after the U.S. had been put on the "green list" so only needed our proof of vaccination for entry We traveled over a few borders, to Switzerland and Italy and were never asked for vaccine record or...
  2. S

    Hi! I'm a Depression Baby Trapped in the Body of a GenXer!

    Thank you. I just ordered this.
  3. S

    What do you take to help you sleep?

    My doctor prescribed me Hydroxyzine when I came down with a case of hives a few years back. It's an "anti-itch, anti-stress, help-you-sleep" medication and is non-addictive (not on schedule You take 1-4 tablets. I have terrible insomnia/ mine is cyclical (hormonal). I, too, have no problem...
  4. S

    Hi! I'm a Depression Baby Trapped in the Body of a GenXer!

    Dude, that is totally how I started at the advice of my grandpa! Not a 457b but a 403b. But just plunking what I could afford every month and hoping for the best. Eventually I started upping my contribution when I would get raises. Investing raise and continuing to live on what I'd always lived...
  5. S

    Hi! I'm a Depression Baby Trapped in the Body of a GenXer!

    Such an excellent point! I've discussed this with HR at my college. One can decide to "pause" STRS for sabbatical year (and keep their contribution to supplement reduced income) but I am not going to do that. I AM going to suspend my 402(b) contributions and just spend that money on my...
  6. S

    Hi! I'm a Depression Baby Trapped in the Body of a GenXer!

    Thank you for your kind words! But, no, there is the whole "finish my life traveling abroad" item that lives at the end of my list in big, bold, red letters. But, yes, getting my finances in order and getting my daughter educated feel like prerequisites to an adventure-filled final chapter...
  7. S

    Hi! I'm a Depression Baby Trapped in the Body of a GenXer!

    Hi. I'm happy to have found this group. I am in need of inspiration and maybe a little “you can do it!” style encouragement. I am 52 year-old librarian in California. My dream is to retire when I’m 57, which may not seem early at all, but would be a freaking miracle for me because it is a lot...
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