Recent content by theHundt

  1. T

    Undeposit Roth Contribution?

    I currently have my Roth IRA with mbtrading. I opened a conventional IRA with sharebuilder awhile back, but have always just put everything in my Roth up until now. My 401k is almost all in pre-tax money, so I figure I would balance with post tax money in the Roth. However, for 2009, I didn't...
  2. T

    Undeposit Roth Contribution?

    Thanks for all of the replies. This is all very helpful. I'll give a little more background information: I was laid off from IBM in October of 2009. In the first half of 2010 I took a couple different jobs as a contract programmer, essentially working for myself. In the second half of 2009...
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    Undeposit Roth Contribution?

    Thanks so much! Recharacterization was the word that I needed. It looks like there is a lot of information out there once you know what to search for.
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    Undeposit Roth Contribution?

    I just took the first swag at my taxes and I owe the government about double what I was expecting. I spent about half of last year working as an independent contractor and just didn't realize how much the tax hit was going to be. I think I've covered most of the big ticket deductions, but I'm...
  5. T

    Need Help with Refinance Numbers

    I'm looking to refinance my mortgage with the lowest up front costs and monthly payment possible. My job is scheduled to be off-shored at the end of this year, so I'm trying to lower my costs now in preparation for the worst. I'm currently looking at penfed 5/5 ARM but am unsure if it's the...
  6. T

    How to get rid of a dead squirrel

    I may not understand things very well here, but if you put the critter in a trash bag, wouldn't it take forever for it to decompose at the local dump? Compared to a relatively short time in the ground? I would just bury it, or throw it out of the way in the yard somewhere. I found a freshly...
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    The Economy

    Interesting that you bring this up. I asked my SO the exact same thing yesterday. Unfortunately I have no answers.
  8. T

    Buying a Prius

    I find it curious that many of the replies jumped to the conclusion that the OP was looking for a Prius (or other hybrid) soley for the gas mileage, but it was never stated nor did anybody actually asked him what his reasons were. Perhaps we should start there. Also, almost everyone ignored...
  9. T

    Favorite Euphemisms (and what they mean)

    My SO and I often use the word "dos" or sometimes "deuce" to refer to going to the bathroom (#2 not #1). Does that count?
  10. T

    Length of time to recover our lost money?

    The OP asked how long it would take to recoup the losses. Not only are dividends excluded as has been pointed out, but are we considering "recoup the losses" to mean return to the market peak? Very few people bought all of their holdings at the peak... I personally see losses as a negative...
  11. T

    Home mortgage rates?

    I thought that mortgages moved inversely to treasuries.
  12. T

    Staying the Course?

    I'm in the same boat as Marquette, although my engine is a bit smaller :-). I put the same amount into cash reserves and investments every month... I'm almost completely in small caps for my roth and taxable account and it's been pretty brutal, but I'm only 31 and that's the level of risk that...
  13. T

    Are any of these mutual funds worth a damn?

    I have an HSA which allows me to transfer money into a jpmorgan investment account. When I get a fair amount above the max deductible for a year I have been moving some of this money into the investment account, but the choices are very limited. So without further ado: VMVXX CSGEX ONUAX SGQAX...
  14. T

    Another baseball question

    In general, I would say 27 if you get every one of them to hit into an out. There are probably some ways to get out without seeing a pitch... I know in high school you can be called out if you remove your helmet while on the field on offense.
  15. T

    Off To a Good Start - Does a 401(k) Make Sense For Early Retirement?

    I'm almost in the exact same situation, albeit I'm about 10 years older. My company matches 100% up to 6% and adds an additional 2% for free. I also have a Roth 401k option as of this year. Right now I'm putting 8% into the Roth 401k, company matches 8% into the standard 401k, I'm maxing out...
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