Recent content by Timeisright

  1. T

    4-Day Work Week?

    Thanks for all of the responses. It's tempting to go to 4 days a week. I think I'll wait until essentially my stash far outweighs my contributions to try something like this. I agree that it will likely be seen as an end to my career, and I'm not quite ready for that (financially). Has anyone...
  2. T

    4-Day Work Week?

    I'm still not ready for early retirement (financially), however work is at a point where it is becoming mentally and physically draining, and it feels like the weekends are the only time that I have to really live the life that I want. I think I could get by fine on 4/5 of my salary while...
  3. T

    Protein bars

    I've made my own before; oats, whey protein; walnuts, stevia, baking power, egg, bake at350 for 10-15 min. Cheap, tastes good and healthy. [Mod Edit]
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