Recent content by vicente solano

  1. vicente solano

    My dog is dead.

    Had to put her down. I saw to it that I was there at the moment. Masochism, loyalty, bravery.... I dont know. Doesnt matter. Even though I like dogs, I dont want another pet. I trat them as if they were persons. And I am too lazy. Maybe what I like is the vision/aesthetics of dogs, only. My...
  2. vicente solano

    My Mom is dead.

    Died last Wednesday. Now I regret having said what I said about her. And not having had the patience I should have had with her, and not wanting her to stay for good at my home. All that despite my knowing that she was very happy with us. Probably because we let her have her way in everything. I...
  3. vicente solano

    How Much Do You Share Here?

    I am afraid I have flooded this forum with my personal problems. But I cant promise to stop.... I get very useful advice. And sometimes I even detect real friendship. Or is it wishful thinking..... More thanks to you all!
  4. vicente solano

    How did you quit smoking?

    Changed to e-cigs 2 years ago. I barely miss the real ones. Not wanting to disappoint my wife and son has helped me quit. Some of my friends smoke, but I don't care. Cancer and emphysema help me stay quit too..... BTW.... All this current threat to e-cigs....might it not be counterproducive to...
  5. vicente solano

    My dog is too old...

    And she has diabetes, needing to be insulin injected everyday. She is such a good, affectionate, mild-mannered and patient dog.... And neat. How can I teach her now how to change her toilet manners? PS My mom is rotating for the moment. Which annoys her no end. Family decided to set her up...
  6. vicente solano

    My dog is too old...

    Here I am again asking for advice..... My 13 year od dog, who I love dearly, can't negotiate the few steps of the stairs of our first floor flat to the street, despite the special harness we have bought. We are willing, if messy, to clean up its "business" inside the flat if that is the only...
  7. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Following all your advice, I assure you that at Easter I'll force a solution in the family gathering. My marriage is at stake, never mind my wife's great patience and disposition. She doesn't deserve this. She is the newcomer of all the in-laws. Sorry Meadbh, but so long as there are posts....
  8. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Gotcha! I stand corrected. My apologies.
  9. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Always like this. But of course I left home 40 years ago. She was under my father's shadow. Got very embittered when she widowed in 1984.
  10. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Is it a terrible thing to say that she is mi mother .....but I don't like her? Part of it due to her arrogant and moody attitude of not agreeing to anything other than not wanting to move, indifferently carrying on, and self-righteously considering it my duty to put up with all this, never mind...
  11. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Did I make the mistake of not setting the rules from the very start? Was I too permissive out making her feel at home?
  12. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

  13. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Family reunion, mother included: the issue was thoroughly discussed. Bottom line: she doesn't want to be moved around. Anywhere. She is happy the way she is now. My siblings: "tough luck, sh** happens" End of story. Thank you all.
  14. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Ha ha: Yeah yeah .... I am a pitiful weakling and a pushover. And I deserve whatever will be coming my way regarding this issue.
  15. vicente solano

    Mom is living with us

    Quite simply-because she doesn't want anyone more than 4/6hours a week for the hard house chores. She feels that quasi live-in caretakers interferes with her privacy, even though she admits to not being able to really live completely on her own. As I've said, she mentioned that she felt...
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