Recent content by WantOutAt55

  1. W

    My Plan: 52-100 ..with lotsa details

    Based on your response, I see that I really need to cross my 'T's and dot my I's to get this plan to work. Some very good info here as always (the rental rule with regard to cap gains when ready to sell; the various tools; SWR, etc). I also see that I need to do a little work on my SWR plan...
  2. W

    My Plan: 52-100 ..with lotsa details

    Hi All. I've been lurking for a few months, and simply love it here (you are all so good at this stuff). So here I am, hoping to get some advice on my plan. The following plan was started in 1999 and has been on track so far. Here we go .... PROFILE: - Current Stock, cash, Bonds, Other: $405K...
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