Recent content by wdwwildbill

  1. W

    Anyone disappointed with Enpower/Person Capital?

    Same issues for me so I moved on. Too many coding errors and they stopped coding Fidelity dividends completly. Was good for awhile and price was right but not usful anymore for me
  2. W


    My son was tested a few years ago for Alpha Gal long before many had heard of it. He tested hi positive as well. We don't think he ever got bit by a tick so maybe from an animal that was bitten by tick. We did special diet for a couple of years and have slowly gotten away from it. He doesn't...
  3. W

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    Thanks for the hard work
  4. W

    2024 Umbrella Policy costs

    Louisiana is HIGH $ 750.00 for 1 mil still worth it !
  5. W

    Medigap Shopping: Closing the Book & Rate Increases

    So right Midpack. After tons of phone calls to several different agents it really comes down to, they don't know who is better and when they will close the books. Almost all do it ! and then you are stuck. UHC seems to be one that rarely does it but in my area they cost a lot more. So...
  6. W

    How to decide if you can live off investments or need to draw them down

    just a novice trying to understand but if you are just pulling dividends then arn't losing shares. If selling I know porfolio will go up over time but what if you have several bad market years and you are selling shares ? Seems like you can't get those shares back and can deplete baance...
  7. W

    DH signed up for Medicare Plan G today!

    Anyone know if CIGNA does the close the book routine ?
  8. W

    DH signed up for Medicare Plan G today!

    I am searching different plans too. The wealth of knowledge here has been invaluable . I am staying away from MOA Any other companies do this ? I'm looking at CIGNA as well.. Thanks
  9. W

    SS website estimate v.s. actual amount?

    good question . DW already got hers but not mine. Also anyone know when the cola amount will show up on the SS site ?
  10. W

    Before and After, A picture journey for a home.

    Awesome job ! love to reuse
  11. W

    Do I have Sucker on My Forehead

    A good trainer may cost a few $$$ but well worth it. They completely changedour dog's behavior. Good luck
  12. W

    Some important "trigger" income levels for 2024

    Super helpful Thank you !!
  13. W

    New Orleans Must Sees

    Always watch your back especially late night. But if you are staying in French Quarter there will be plenty to see and do within walking distance. All great suggestions on here. There are thingd to do a little out of the city like swamp tours , charter fishing etc. .There is also Harrah's right...
  14. W

    Race to 2024 - please join :)

    I've been pushing my date back 4 years now. Life events have forced me to be late to fire,,,, but I'll get there. Really trying hard for mid to late 24. We see how things go Pretty close to the FI part just will be a bit later to the party !!
  15. W

    Worried About Dry Eye Drops?

    I also take a lot of drops but have no choice. May look into a new nose sray for dry eyes May not be any better but somethnig to research
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