Recent content by workin4me

  1. W

    Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

    One who grew up very poor and mommy and daddy couldn't pay to send them to Harvard. Nice name calling. It's very becoming.:rolleyes:
  2. W

    Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

    :2funny: Awesome!
  3. W

    Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

    Well I suppose I'll accept your apology. Sorry I used the wrong word and offended you so badly. That was the first one that came to mind that fit the best. And what word would you have liked me to use that wouldn't have pushed your cynicism button? >:D
  4. W

    Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

    No duh. I was just venting. Wanting some advice. Thanks.
  5. W

    Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

    I see a problem with putting all your eggs in one basket or even just 2....but 2 is better than one. I see a problem with ppl my age and younger relying solely on SS because I personally think the SS system is headed for trouble considering that in 1945 there were 42 workers for every social...
  6. W

    Why doesn't anybody care about retirement?

    I just started working as a financial adviser and I was so excited to help people plan for retirement. It was something I always thought about. Finances have always been a passion for me (I started saving for college when I was 4 yrs old) But all I get is rejection. "Not interested right...
  7. W

    26 yr old financial adviser

    Hello all, I'm a young mom of 1 cute baby girl and currently working from home as a financial adviser. I'm also trying to get a jump on retirement since, as I look back the last 20+ yrs went whizzing by, I assume the next 20+ will too. No real investments started YET just a simple 401K...
  8. W

    Hello-from young married girl with big financial independence dreams

    Few Simple Advice Tid Bits Looks Can Be Deceiving You don't have to look rich to be rich. Set Priorities Pay Yourself First Sweat the Small Stuff "A latte a day keeps retirement away" Most of us don't think about how we spend our money. If we do, we focus solely on the big-ticket items. Even...
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