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  1. Taco

    How Will Federal Income Taxes Change Over The Next 20 Years?

    I could 100% decrease = I could absolutely decrease That’s what they meant
  2. Taco

    How Will Federal Income Taxes Change Over The Next 20 Years?

    Your point is that some wacky change could come our way (i.e. Roth gets taxed like traditional IRAs) that none of us would have foreseen / planned for. So it is a fools game to make predictions / decisions about these unknowns. But some things are easier to plan on than others. I don't think...
  3. Taco

    Why do people wait so long to retire?

    The markets have been very good. It could have been otherwise.
  4. Taco

    Your Identity in retirement.

    My identity didn't change, but with work no longer filling my day I have more time to "be me".
  5. Taco

    S&P 500 Prediction 2025

    The group is collectively more pessimistic this year. Year 2025 2024 Number of Guesses 55 68 Down for the year 14 (25.5%) 8 (11.8%) Up 0-6% 11 (20.0%) 10 (14.7%) Up 6-10% 14 (25.5%) 20 (29.4%) Up > 10% 16 (29.1%) 30 (44.1%)
  6. Taco

    S&P 500 Prediction 2025

    my italicized prediction is...5767...
  7. Taco

    New Car Advice

    Qs, Someone else made a suggestion beyond Toyota/Honda, and the OP is now not only open to but leaning toward another brand of car (Subaru). Maybe throwing out various ideas, in a discussion forum, isn't such a bad thing after all... :)
  8. Taco

    Do you balance your checkbook?

    What's a checkbook?? I do review transactions in my account. A couple of times a month. But I don't balance. I long ago began trusting my bank's ability to add and subtract.
  9. Taco

    Suggestions/advice/considerations for my personal FIRE strategy...

    By the time we are in our 50s and 60s, we are "over the hill". Being on that downward slope, in general, this year is the best year of the rest of our live. Do you want to spend your best remaining year working? If not, it looks like you are good to go. You'll have to figure out a plan, on...
  10. Taco

    Lose Weight. Another dream that is hard to do.

    Eat less / Move more
  11. Taco

    How many years did you work

    Probably too many, but too early to tell. As an "adult" post college, 34 years. From ages 22 to 56. Mowing lawns as a kid, working through high school / college, would add another 8-10.
  12. Taco

    S&P 500 Prediction 2024

    It's coming down to the wire... The midpoint between these 2 guesses is 5829. S&P currently 5870. NervousNellie 12-31-2023 06:12 PM 5658 F.I.R.E User 12-23-2023 09:56 PM 6000
  13. Taco

    Where to buy gold.

    I’ve researched doomsday scenarios extensively, watching scientific documentaries like The Last of Us, World War Z, etc., and in those scenarios beans and bullets seem way more valuable than gold - which is somewhat useless. (I do concede that there could be a flaw in the science I’ve been...
  14. Taco

    What age people on ER actually retired

    Not that I was hyper-focused on it or anything, but... 56 years, 6 months, 23 days.
  15. Taco

    Tango: A new daily game

    For those that enjoy the daily games like Wordle or Connections, Linked in has one called Tango: There is a grid that is pre-filled with a few suns and moons, and you have to fill in the blanks. Left click for a sun, right click for a moon. The rules...
  16. Taco

    Anyone else worried about SS?

    You suggest that only the lowest earners would lose their homes, but I doubt that would be the case. I think most Americans do not embrace the LBYM lifestyle, but rather “spend what they got, plus some”. So I think that even many of those receiving above the median would also not be able to...
  17. Taco

    Goldman Sachs: S&P 500 to average +3% over next 10 years?

    The article mentions returns over the last 10 years of 13%, vs the long term rate of 11%. Looking at just the last 6 years, returns have averaged 16-17%. "Reversion to the mean" is a thing. I think odds are pretty darn high the next 6 years will not be as good as the last 6. And I'd guess...
  18. Taco

    100 minus your age.... When did you start investing safer?

    I've read the same as Sunset - 100 has moved to 120. But, as they say, personal finance is personal. There is a lot more to consider than the 120-minus your age rule of thumb. Take two retired 60 yr olds - one with a pension that pays all their bills and one living solely off their...
  19. Taco

    You go Bill.

    None of my business.
  20. Taco

    How is long term capital gains tax rate computed?

    I'm not an accountant, but my understanding is... For 2024, the top of the 0% bracket for Married Filing Jointly has increased to 94,050 - from 89,250 in 2023. Also, you have the standard deduction to consider which is 29,200 for 2024. So, if your only income was Long Term Cap Gains, you could...
  21. Taco

    Your favorite (stand-up) comedians

    For current comedians performing today, Nate is awesome. Jim Gaffigan has good material too. We often use a line from his McDonald's skit when we are out shopping ("we'll lose money if we don't buy this...") Some McDonald's fun:
  22. Taco

    Hobbies you added after retirement

    A pee bottle can be your friend in that situation...
  23. Taco

    Another reason to claim Social Security at 62

    Hi Motley, Over a decade ago someone made a compelling post on Bogleheads titled "Delay SS to age 70 AND spend more money at 62". What? Delay AND spend more early? Here is a summary of the example they put forth... Let's say you retire at 62 and are comfortable with a 4% withdraw rate from...
  24. Taco

    What Was Your Retirement T=0?

    #1, 2, and 4 for me - they all happened at the same time.
  25. Taco

    If you had $4M, would you spend $2M of it building a house?

    I said earlier that it sounds like this is your dream house and nothing wrong with following your dreams, if you can afford it which it sounds like you can. But your dream is not necessarily someone else's dream. Your plans show a 2700 sq ft house (60x45ft) with 2 bedrooms. In rural middle...
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