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  1. mebden

    BCBS lawsuit settlement postcard.

    Just went on their website this morning and mine still says under review?
  2. mebden

    Review my advisor’s advice

    I agree 100% with this FedRetired50 I've seen so many peeps die before they collected a penny from SS not even making it to 62 and to let the Gov hang that carrot in front of you about getting more if you wait is just a mirage you will come out the same no matter what age you take it at
  3. mebden

    Not really early retirement, except...

    Hey Tycho, I'm glad you liked your job but finally decided to pull the plug, but me seeing all these people I hear that work into their 70's & 80's like a lot of Football coaches. I still try to grasp why work till your incapable of doing anything or even possibly dying soon after. On my end I...
  4. mebden

    How many years did you work

    I worked 40+ years worked in restaurants as dishwasher, bus boy & side cook and sawmills starting at 15 at 18 went in Navy till 21 and then worked 18 years with 1 company till they decided to sell out and I had to start all over with vacations thats when I learned I will never be held hostage by...
  5. mebden

    How did you choose your retirement date?

    I was planning on retiring in August of 2025 when I reached 59 1/2 but I called it quits in March of 2024 because of the Company I was working for decided they wanted to rearrange job titles and try to demote people along with lowering their pay. When they had hired me back in July of 2023, they...
  6. mebden

    Another Boomer Thing that (Apparently) has Died Off

    I use Capital One checking and they gave me free checks and all the registry books I want I just have to go to the branch to get them.
  7. mebden

    S&P 500 Prediction 2025

    My guess is 6490
  8. mebden

    Your hardest earned dollars?

    1) Late 70's at 14 having to peel the bark of off popular trees by the time you did this for 8 hours your hands were totally blistered but soon became very strong hands and doing this all outdoors being attacked by every bug known to mankind and sweating everything you drank right back out of...
  9. mebden

    Thoughts/help regarding my income, 401K, & ACA plan

    nope job loss is retiring
  10. mebden

    You know When it is Time

    Hey Purslane get your money out of a 0% earning checking account and at least put your bill paying money in a online high interest savings account and link it to your checking account and just transfer money to checking when needed to pay bills at least your money is gaining some good interest...
  11. mebden

    We saw our oldest off to Navy basic training today...

    I was a Naval Postal Clerk for 3 years active and 3 years active reserve 1984 to 1990. For boot camp just send a couple letters but once he's in A school send him packages. I seen those as a great pick up to the guys as most of said oh mommy loves me and if there cookies even better yet as all...
  12. mebden

    What age people on ER actually retired

    I started this March 15, 2024, at 58 and not going back to work. I so much like not having a clock or specific time to be any place at any given time.
  13. mebden

    Firing our FA tomorrow

    I have so many friends and acquaintances that listened to this old school lesson told by their parents and Elders and will now have to work till their almost dead or live off of just SS. So now I'm trying to change the younger generation and I've started with my son and anyone that asks what do...
  14. mebden

    Firing our FA tomorrow

    The biggest problem I had was my Dad and all his coworkers all which were factory workers and Maintenace workers making pretty good money back in the 60's & 70's as they never trusted the stock market or the companies that they worked for so a lot of them didn't invest in it as they all thought...
  15. mebden

    ACA questions

    Hi all I'm just putting this in here if anyone wants to put in there information here and your supposably income for the year to se how much you will get in subsidiaries being on a ACA plan. I use this to see how low you can go with income before you get put into the States Medicare program...
  16. mebden

    Another reason to claim Social Security at 62

    I look at it this way I didn't save as much as everyone else here but when I hit 62 I'll claim it and watch my AGI so I can get the max out my insurance subsidiary from the ACA and if I don't need the money at that time I'll just stick it back in the stock market like I have for the last 40+...
  17. mebden

    What’s your EDC (Every Day Carry)?

    I carry wallet with some cash, DL, 1 CC, also phone, ChapStick, keys for vehicle & a few mints for that fresh breath feeling
  18. mebden

    What's up with this "we charge you an extra 3% if you use a credit card" bit?

    I just had a campground in Louisiana put it right on their home page we charge a extra 4.4% for using a card to book a site with them I told them see you later. I'll go to 1 that doesn't charge a fee for using a CC
  19. mebden

    Fidelity locking down tons of CMA accounts due to possible fraud

    How I have myself setup is 3 accounts 1 brokerage account, 1 online bank account giving me a 5% interest rate for the so-called rainy-day money and with 1 brick & Mortar bank as my checking account to pay all my bills. I have online access with all accounts and keep very little in checking till...
  20. mebden

    I am alone now...

    So sorry for your loss CindyBlue and my condolences to you and your family
  21. mebden

    Need Crown For Tooth

    Just had one done in May 2024 in Louisiana 1400 for a crown and another 1750 for a root canal no insurance so people paying under 800 is a steal
  22. mebden

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    I would never move here again with insurances period! auto, home, Parrish, and state taxes are ridiculous here and W2R your homeowners is a steal as I'm south of you and just got my renewal and it went up to $4800 and that is cheap for this area on average what I'm hearing from some other peeps...
  23. mebden

    Another Crazy Homeowners Insurance Premium Situation (resolved)

    Yes Insurance is a joke here in Louisiana they have no problems taking our premiums for years and as soon as they have to pay out they cry wolf. Then they jack everyone's rates up not just homeowners, vehicles and anything that needs insurance thru the roof to pay for all their claims. But they...
  24. mebden

    Arbys 5 For $5 Roast Beef Deal Back For 1 Week Only.

    I'll be buying them love their roast beef and the app. This is just another way of me not blowing that dough LOL
  25. mebden

    I'm Done!! Today was my last shift.

    Yes, congrats Steve I hope you have many years to enjoy your retirement.
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