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  1. Y

    Potentially revising the tax code

    As I'm learning the hard way - you can't outrun your mouth. At some point we have to control and be responsible with what we feed ourselves. Same applies to budget, spending, taxes and deficits. Rest is up to folks to infer.
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    Too Old to Buy a Bigger Home?

    Was the renovation cost for previous home (aka renovate before selling)? or for new home (renovate after buying)? Trying to see what to expect when we move.
  3. Y

    Big numbers (serious question)

    Who are we to judge :) Looking from a different angle, seems like your BFF made the best of 79 years on this earth than rest of 95% humans on this earth do.
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    Having more time (or not)

    That is subjective. If you think material success is better off, then US would be the happiest place in world. Its not.. On the contrary we have the highest number of stressed out depressed population. Most happy places have been that are farthest from latest pseudo technology. It is all...
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    Having more time (or not)

    Let go. In the end, nothing matters. Most humans have some kind of talent (realized or unrealized) when provided with enough environmental/social support. Some have the self-awareness (perception) of their talent and some of those worry their talent will atrophy if they give up and retire too...
  6. Y

    Updated and would love your thoughts

    Seems like OP wants to enjoy life now. OP seems to be in decent financial shape to do so. If OP doesn't do that, OP would be "cutting" the thing that he/she wants to do :) 45 - 60 are the decent years to reflect back on life and be at peace. We all can live on a little less. But most of us...
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    401K to IRA transfer after retirement

    Yes, but only "covered" calls and puts
  8. Y

    Any Long Time Vegetarians? (10+ Years)

    Mostly vegetarian all my life. Milk and Milk based products are big part of my intake. And lentils/cooked veggie dishes
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    What's up with this "we charge you an extra 3% if you use a credit card" bit?

    It costs merchants around 3% when their customers pay with Credit Card.
  10. Y

    The moment you realize you're old...

    When people (strangers) started calling me Sir- places like shopping malls, Gym, during outdoor activities.
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    Your Thoughts on Government Debt and Your Retirement Future

    If debt doesn't matter, who do we pay Taxes? Government can keep borrowing (remember folks say debt don't matter)?
  12. Y

    Children Running Wild in Public Places

    Let kids be kids.
  13. Y

    Social Security to Require

    Any cloud based system has its own pitfalls. Largest IT outage in history
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    " Maybe you retired too soon?"

    I wouldn't want to spend a week with "such a friend".. anywhere!
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    High Net Worth - Is Your Asset Allocation Acceptable?

    Whats wrong with folks here :)
  16. Y

    Anyone else NOT watch the news? There are two sides to every story. This site does a decent job of providing both sides of a story at the same time (right next to each other). Will disappoint most folks because it provides narrative from other side as well.
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    $15 to drive into new york city

    Yeah force people to use Germ-infested ultra crowded Subways. When someone sneezes in a crowded subway, Virus and Bacteria float around nicely to marinate air that people are breathing in.
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    What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

    Yeah.. its doesn't have to be complicated.. but many people still don't get it. If planning to turn, your turn-signal should be turned on before your brake light turns on.
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    Latest Inflation Numbers and Discussion

    Actually deficit is now increasing at much faster rate than that. Like $1 Trillion every 100 days.,U.S.%20Department%20of%20the%20Treasury.
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    how much milk do you drink and what type?

    Milk and Milk based products are majority of my diet (about 60%). I survive on milk. Mostly organic, full milk
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    Latest Inflation Numbers and Discussion

    US 10 yr yield- spiked 14 basis points today.
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    S&P 500 Prediction 2024

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    Your Favorite 2023 Purchase?

    Money well spent :)
  24. Y

    Thoughts on AI

    Some thing to clarify as most folks get mixed up with what AI can really do. AI ("artificial") is based on pattern matching. It has Zero organic analytical capability. Based on billions of documents it has been trained on, it can do a pattern match to "search" & then generate an answer (or...
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