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  1. ProspectiveBum

    Anyone have problems with the forum on Chrome?

    Another Chrome user here (on Mac & iPhone) with no issues.
  2. ProspectiveBum

    Paul vs Tyson on 11/15! (Netflix only)

    I thought Paul would win based on the age gap, but I didn’t expect such a poor showing from Tyson. He looked slow and off-balance from the start. He landed a grand total of 18 punches (none dangerous) in the 8 round match. The folks who paid big money to be there in person definitely did...
  3. ProspectiveBum

    Should Financially Secure Boomers Help their Millennial and Gen Z Kids? Thought Provoking Example...

    First thing I thought of, too. I may have repeated this one to my children a time or two.
  4. ProspectiveBum

    Odd Uber pricing

    I don’t believe this is true. Uber’s platform determines the price (dynamically adjusting prices based on demand) and drivers can choose to accept the fare or not.
  5. ProspectiveBum

    More time for "visiting," but do you want to?

    I’m still working, but mostly remotely. I’m pretty introverted, but have gotten into pickleball in the last few years. I find that provides all the social interaction I need, and is the right balance between chatting and activity.
  6. ProspectiveBum

    Last movie you saw and what you thought...

    Last film I saw in a theater was “Thelma”, an action/comedy about an elderly widow who is victimized by scammers. It was amusing, but certainly doesn’t need to be enjoyed on the big screen. The lead, June Squib, is 94yo! I guess she didn’t get the memo about early retirement.
  7. ProspectiveBum

    Suzy Orman Ditches HO Insurance (don't do this at home)

    I’m not tracking. Is it sad that her condo is so “small” when she could obviously buy something larger? That doesn’t make much sense to me. “Larger” does not automatically mean “better”.
  8. ProspectiveBum

    So disappointed with my Honda experience

    Toyota’s been in the hybrid game as long as anyone (think original Prius). I’d have zero issues buying a new Toyota hybrid.
  9. ProspectiveBum

    Nature vs Nurture, Sibling Differences

    My sister and I are 20 months apart, and couldn’t be more different. She’s extroverted, and has struggled with drugs, jobs, finances and romantic relationships her entire life. I’m introverted, and have done fine in my career, been a saver, and very happily married to DW for 29 years and...
  10. ProspectiveBum

    "So... what kind of peanut butter does a groundhog like?"

    I’m guessing it’s due to the new “similar threads” feature, but it’s weird when a 5 year old thread suddenly gets bumped. For a second there, I thought RobbieB was back!
  11. ProspectiveBum

    California is indeed an odd place....

    I understand the frustration, but at the few left-turn yields in my area (rather than the majority of intersections which are left-arrows), there are a higher number of accidents and near-misses. Not sure if drivers are used to the arrows and just turn their brains off or what? It was...
  12. ProspectiveBum

    Your Fridge Isn't Built To Last

    I appreciate the suggestion, but and every other site I’ve checked (including eBay) says the parts are no longer available. It’s a little surprising in a time when 3D printing is becoming more ubiquitous that someone can’t print off these parts on demand.
  13. ProspectiveBum

    Your Fridge Isn't Built To Last

    Old fridges and other appliances had much less plastic in them back in the day. We have 2 partially broken appliances right now: our LG fridge’s icemaker is broken (it’s actually the a water filter housing that broke. LG no longer makes parts for our ~15 year old fridge. Same for our Bosch...
  14. ProspectiveBum

    I Just Want To Live While I’m Alive

    I just happened to listen to an episode of the Freakonomics Radio podcast, and the guest mentioned that there’s a well-established system in Japan for efficiently delivering traveler’s bags between hotels and airports at a reasonable cost. It’s called either Takkyubin or Takuhaibin? Apparently...
  15. ProspectiveBum

    Have I Become A Slob In My Old Age?

    One of the things I enjoy about living in SoCal is the laid-back vibe. Shorts and t-shirts are my go-to attire. We went to the theater for a touring Broadway show, and I wore jeans, a casual button-down shirt and my black Hokas (it was a matinee). That’s as dressy as I care to ever get. I’m...
  16. ProspectiveBum

    Taking profits

    +1 AAPL is my only individual stock holding, and has swelled to a substantial portion of our NW. Still bullish on the company, but was happy to cash out those shares near the recent peak (sell price was $219.91).
  17. ProspectiveBum

    What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

    Looks like the episodes are available in full on YouTube (at least in the US).
  18. ProspectiveBum

    Share Your FIRE Milestones - 2021

    That’s a typo, right? Should be $793,500? Either way, that’s pretty incredible at your age and with that income range. Nice work!
  19. ProspectiveBum

    NY Times New Game--Strands

    No, I think earning hints would be the only reason to do that. OP, thanks for the heads up on this game, it’s a fun one!
  20. ProspectiveBum

    I'm gonna give it all away...

    Our son got a diagnosis at 10yo that required him to spend about a week at the local children’s hospital. We utilized the Ronald McDonald House facilities onsite and it was a huge help during a very stressful time. They provide a very worthwhile service. However you choose to allocate your...
  21. ProspectiveBum

    NFL 2023 Season

    I was worried about the Ravens, but that was far worse than I feared. Congrats to the Ravens after a dominating win. Hoping the Niners o-line injuries aren’t serious. Barring a miracle, they’ll have to win out (at Washington, and at home against the resurgent Rams) to maintain the #1 seed in...
  22. ProspectiveBum

    Ugh - Toilet Problems

    +1 for Toto. We had builder-grade toilets in our current home for 20 years. Replaced a few years with Totos, and will never go back.
  23. ProspectiveBum

    Colonoscopy, which prep?

    I’ve only had one so far, and was prescribed Golytely. I don’t recommend it. It was a gallon of slightly salty liquid. First dose was OK, 2nd dose I could not keep down, and was worried that the prep would be compromised. Doctor said it was fine, but not a pleasant experience at all. I’ll...
  24. ProspectiveBum

    NFL 2023 Season

    I’ve watched all their games this year, and Purdy is certainly a QB in the Montana mold. Of course he can’t be mentioned among those all-time greats yet; he hasn’t won anything, and has barely started a season’s worth of games. Joe Cool was calm under pressure, and threw with great...
  25. ProspectiveBum

    What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

    We just finished Season 2, and it’s a good show. If you’ve never watched it, The Americans (Russian spies masquerading as an American couple in the early 80s) is also a great watch.
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