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  1. T

    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Gumby, now read the last post from DJRR if you are looking for something that is confrontational. DJRR, it's simple you see. It is an insurance policy, and they are ripping people off on the left-hand side, but with hopes on the right-hand side that you will not live long enough to make it...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    VanWinkle, I am trying to find the immediate annuities you are referring to that match the deferred income rider I was quoted for from Midland National and North American. I went to and received quotes nearly half the FIA with the income rider deferred for seven years...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Gumby, two comments back and I will leave it at that. 1) I completely understand the rules of the forum. I am just asking for people to provide me with information based on facts and not just feelings. This is asked just as a courtesy, and I don't see anything wrong with that. As an...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    VanWinkle. Correct. Right side is the phantom account that is only used to calculate the guaranteed payment when you turn on income. If you care about the left side, then don't buy this product. In my case, I care about the income.....not the death benefit, surrender value, etc. I accept...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Well, first let me say that I appreciate the attention this has received. Unfortunately, many of you have replied with general comments about annuities and FAs trying to sell them, without, it seems, reading my comments about the specific product and listening to how I intend to use it. I...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    So I just went out to the very simple to use annuity calculator on the Fidelity Investment website. I did a calculation for my wife ($500K investment) and myself ($250K investment) both starting income on 6/1/2032 (8 yrs), both with joint survivorship. The total between the two is $6738 per...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Yes it is close to $3M as of today. 99% of it is qualified in 401Ks and Rollover IRAs. For planning purposes we are taking SS at age 70. Problem is, $120K before tax is not enough to cover expenses, including medical. So, we are trying to retire too early and/or our expenses are just too high.
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Yep, that is what I have done so far. Nothing. Just kept things a bit balanced in our retirement accounts, mostly 401K and Roth.
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Thank you. Well said. Now how in the heck do I find a good, honest financial advisor? Almost everyone here believes this FA is not being straight with me. I have been to three so far and they all want to sell me an annuity like this (and they all fit your profile above!). I never considered...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Sorry, you are wrong with that assessment. Some things have been said that make me believe there is lack of understanding of this particular product (see my last post). And that lack of understanding may be on my part. I am just not there yet. Definitely not trying to simply get affirmation.
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Maybe what some are missing here is the difference between the account/contract value number and the income base, which is used as part of the add on income rider to calculate the guaranteed minimum payment. If the $84K projection was based on what the account value could be at age 65, then I...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    S&P 500. but remember I am hyper focused on this income rider and the guaranteed minimum payment as a percentage of the income base for my planning purposes. This is the amount I will get if the S&P is flat or even negative in a year. A good S&P year would just be gravy on top of the $84K
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    The monthly payments are NOT based on the account/contract value as you have stated. It is based on the income base that grows at 7% for the first 10 years, and the guaranteed withdraw % comes from that income base in the year you choose to start payments. The contract value is used for...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    pb4uski, I attached a snippet of what I was given and circled the values in the two illustrations. I these the guaranteed values you are talking about? One would think the quotes are pretty close to the values that will be in the contract if created soon. The FA is telling me this is...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    I am trying to use for the first time. Can you give me a bit on instruction on what you did to come up with the $67K?
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    OK, first thank you all. I was not convinced about the annuity which is why I came here in the first place. I fully understand the "no free lunch". But it is being suggested here that the word guaranteed with the income rider is not really the case, and I am trying to understand why. Won't...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    So, if we assume the $84K annually is correct and not a scam, as some of you say, can we discuss the simple math associated with that and go back to the fact that I need to make >6% each year on the $750K in order to make the non-annuity scenario more advantageous. 6% is pretty high I think to...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Man, you guys are confusing the heck out of me. I have the quotes, and I will not sign anything without having a lawyer or someone look at this. The person who said "No way these returns are guaranteed", are you sure you know what you are talking about? I see it in the contract and it is part...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Oh for sure, the insurer does matter. Did not mean to imply otherwise. The quote of $84K was from two ilustrations both with joint survivorship. One for my wife ($500K who is 61 now) and one for me ($250K age 58). We would start payments in 8 years. The $84K is the combined number from the...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    There is a type of annuity called Fixed Index Annuity. The specific FIA I am F&G Safe Income Advantage or NationWide New Heights. It does not really matter who the insurer is or even the specific product because all the FIAs work basically the same way. I have illustrated what the product...
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    Set me straight on annuities and why are they so bad

    Note: If you don't read the entire post, take a look at the attached spreadsheet that illustrates two scenarios. 1) $750K initial investment (now) in a fixed index annuity with an income rider providing a guaranteed minimum payment of $84369 starting in 7 years. 2) Investment of $750K now...
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    Nationwide Peak® 10 fixed indexed annuity

    Found this thread and thought it was most appropriate to ask my questions and make comments here because of the related topic. I too am looking at the Nationwide Peak 10 Fixed Index Annuity and here is why: Here is a quick background and some relevant info: 58 year old male; spouse is 60 (both...
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