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  1. L

    Texas TRS retirement month.

    I am NOT a TRS expert. But I THINK: by December, you get an extra year of service credit. But to get the current year into your top five highest salary years, you gotta stay through June
  2. L

    Ponzi - Avoidable Transactions Statute

    Moral obligation You have a moral obligation to claw back as much as you can and return it. The people on the backend were defrauded and possibly their finances ruined. You are in possession of "stolen goods" Just my opinion.
  3. L

    Tax question - K-1 for IRA holding

    Not exactly. If Box 1 or 2 has an amount in it, and that amount in the aggregate for your IRA adding up all K-1s is greater than (I think) $600, then you have UBI and the IRA custodian must file an income tax return and pay tax on the UBI. So, for example, NEVER buy a MLP in your IRA, as they...
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    33, Pregnant, and Getting Close to ER

    Re: 250k to raise a kid. How they get the number is they add in things like pro rata portion of health insurance, your house, the car, utilities, etc. If you have a three person household and you spend $4,000 a month, voila--the kid costs $1,333 per month--that's how they do the math...
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    Become Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash

    I read the book. Basically, whenever you need a loan, borrow it from yourself and pay yourself interest. Cash out your tax deferred investments, pay the tax, and buy whole(universal) life insurance, which you invest in stocks or whatever. Anytime you need a car loan, etc, borrow from the...
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