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  1. Whisper66

    LTCG Harvesting

    To illustrate Al18's comment about stock volatility, see Table B1 of the following link... If you look at the history of the S&P 500 (right most column), it has dropped as much...
  2. Whisper66

    Your 2023 effective tax rate

    FWIW - our Fed effective tax rate was 22% with 85% of our "income" coming from IRA required distributions and conversions.
  3. Whisper66

    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    2023 rate of return = +22.8%. Asset allocation was generally in my target range of 75% equity / 25% fixed assets. My general philosophy in retirement now is to invest in a minimum number of broad based, low cost index funds...invest and forget it. However, got itchy at low prices for AMZN and...
  4. Whisper66

    I have a Will and might die intestate

    Given that you feel you cannot trust anyone, maybe just put the challenge in the hands of the beneficiary you wish to receive your assets? Contact the Doctors without Borders Director of Philantrophy ( ). Explain your...
  5. Whisper66

    Those Who don't/didn't do Roth Conversions

    My Mom and Dad made no Roth conversions in their lifetime. They were content paying as little in taxes each year as they legally could and just didn't give it much thought. In the final couple years of Dad's life, I was involved in doing his taxes. His income from a pension plus investment...
  6. Whisper66

    Hi ... long time lurker ... first time poster to see if we are on track

    From your numbers, I agree your plan to retire at 65 will be successful. In fact, if I look at Firecalc, it suggests you could spend roughly $190k in retirement (vs plan of $127k) and still have 95% success. So the only point that confuses me is why NewRetirement would calculate a success rate...
  7. Whisper66

    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    +12.4% YTD thru end of 3Q on a 75% equities 25% fixed portfolio
  8. Whisper66

    What to do with XOM?

    The long term stock price of XOM is strongly related to the price of crude. I'll attach a 10 yr plot if I can figure out how. A purchase of XOM in the last few years (2019-2022)at $70/shr was during a period that XOM $/shr was relatively low in relation to the value of crude oil. Since late...
  9. Whisper66

    Dividend reinvestment, I think I'm doing it wrong.

    One optimization you might consider if your dividends exceed your immediate needs..... I am at Vanguard and the dividends from my taxable account roll into my settlement fund where they stay until I need them to replenish my bank checking account. The default Vanguard settlement account is the...
  10. Whisper66

    Dividend reinvestment, I think I'm doing it wrong.

    Yes, I believe you may be paying more taxes than you really need to. Here's what I've settled on which I think is pretty standard.... (1) Dividends from taxable account are used for living expenses (15% tax on dividends unless come from muni funds whose dividends are not taxed). To fill need for...
  11. Whisper66

    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    15.7% on what is currently a 75% equity / 25% fixed asset allocation. My 2023 target is 70/30 but I see it's drifted due to a good market and my ever decreasing interest in monitoring finances. Have read as we get older, our interest and / or ability to manage our finances often decreases. I can...
  12. Whisper66

    Schwab doesn't support automated, recurring sales of SWVXX?!

    I don't use it, but it looks like Vanguard provides an automatic withdrawal plan. "Automatic Withdrawal Plan (AWP). Withdraw funds on a regular basis. Redeem shares from your Vanguard fund account and have the proceeds transferred to your bank account on a regular basis. This service is ideal...
  13. Whisper66

    Vanguard, Fidelity or Schwab?

    Not sure why it's a problem but I'll comment to add some perspective. While I'm personally a very happy, very long time Vanguard customer, the business numbers suggest to me that all three companies (VG, Fidelity, Schwab) are good choices for many folks and that VG continues to get a good share...
  14. Whisper66

    Are these the proper steps to leave Vanguard with Sep and Cd's?

    That’s one way but not the way I’d do it. You are moving presumably for improved customer service. I’d just call Fidelity and give them the information they needed to move assets in kind that I wanted moved. Then sell the vanguard items from within the Fidelity account when you wish. That’s how...
  15. Whisper66

    Pickleball Life

    To offer a slightly different perspective.....I started pickleball in early 2023. I'm a long time tennis player that loves tennis but it's popularity is minimal around where I live. With pickleball, I can easily play 6 days a week with local open play groups. I've been regularly playing about 3...
  16. Whisper66

    The Gas Vehicle Thread

    What do I like about my ICE car? At any time of day or night, with no regard to if my wife has left my gas tank almost empty, I can jump in my SUV, hook it up to my camping trailer, boat, up to 8 adults, or my four large dog kennels with dogs in them and comfortably head out to go where ever I...
  17. Whisper66

    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    Up 14.7% thru mid year on nominally a 75/25 asset allocation. In retirement, I find I'm losing interest in following finances. So have settled into a portfolio with mostly broad index funds that I don' mess with much. Generally just check quarterly if we need to sell something for cash or need...
  18. Whisper66

    Another Vanguard problem

    Good points for folks to consider. My DW is fine with online banking. For heirs, I have an estate book for our executor which includes a summary spreadsheet showing all our account, a hard copy of the end of year statement for each account, and contact info for our financial and legal contacts.
  19. Whisper66

    Another Vanguard problem

    We moved to electronic a couple years ago. Now I much prefer it. I typically download what I want to store long term and no longer need boxes of paper for my records.
  20. Whisper66

    I Wish ... Was Never Invented

    Drones - I love the technology but very concerned about abuse of it. A concern I've had since I first saw one is that it may allow people to easily use weapons distant from themselves which may make accountability very difficult. For example....
  21. Whisper66

    I Wish ... Was Never Invented

    The US Tax Code. I am always frustrated by what it takes to figure the tax we owe. What a waste of people's time and money. I know it will never happen but I dream of a simple tax "code" with nothing but a progressive tax rate based on one's earned income plus a single flat tax on other income...
  22. Whisper66

    Plan for if the "money partner" dies first?

    Similar situation. Here’s what we’ve done: (1) Taxes - we hire a CPA we both know to do them for us (2) Retirement Financial Plan - I wrote our plan for how to invest during retirement and how we pay for retirement. I update it yearly and review it with her. (3) Finances - simplified all...
  23. Whisper66

    Seven-year average percentage growth

    Retired in 2015. Average growth since then has been 8.6%. Last full 7 years (2023 not included) averaged 8.2%. Asset allocation has varied from a high of 85/15 to 50/50 (equities / fixed).
  24. Whisper66

    Experience Requesting a Vanguard Flagship Rep for Accounts?

    Interesting. I’ve never paid for my Flagship rep. Maybe that’s because I use him so little and not for general “wealth management” support. He’s mainly just a point contact with some accountability to resolve problems I may run into.
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