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  1. L

    MME And Macro Asset Perspective

    Well, these guys (Money Management Educators) came to my place of employment and gave their one hour "Tax Favored Investing" seminar. Interesting. The guys are financial professionals doing this on a volunteer basis and supposed not selling anything. Big part of the presentation is the "Macro...
  2. L

    Inflation and FIRECalc

    I've been playing with my withdrawal spreadsheet. I've got it set up to do withdrawal calculations and then show me the results. I can change the start year to mimic retiring in a good vs. bad year (using historical data). Anyway, here's the assumptions (not real data, but you'll get the...
  3. L

    How do you plan for change in Medicare?

    Ok, I know this is WAY early and we don't know what will happen. But, I'm under 55 and one plan being kicked around would give me some amount of cash so I could "buy" my own health insurance instead of getting Medicare. So, now I'm thinking - gee how much money do I need to put into my...
  4. L

    Do you count your emergency funds in your retirement calcs?

    I'm still in accumulation stage and as is appropriate, we have approx 12 mo of salary set aside in liquid assets for emergency funds. Now, I'm wondering, when we move to decumulation, do we count the emergency funds in the calcs. 3.5% may be a stretch if I just look at the "portfolio", not so...
  5. L

    Combo Withdrawal Strategy

    Been thinking a lot about withdrawal strategies. Of course, the constant % of portfolio or constant % inflation adjusted are thoroughly discussed and documented. I've been reading about the 1/n method Withdrawal Methods - Bogleheads The issue for me with the % methods is that after the...
  6. L

    WR calculation for Pension

    Been puzzled for awhile with a spreadsheet that I use to look at retirement options and possible WRs. I can either take pension as annuity or as lump sum. When I compare the WR for the two options, the annuity always looks better (looking solely at initial WR). Did some quick math taking...
  7. L

    Firecalc and withdrawal rates BEFORE SS

    Question is this - If I use firecalc and input say a retirement at 60 with SS starting at 62, it says I'm OK (100% success). I've been working through Otar's book (which is quite good). The problem is my "ratio" then isn't at 30, where he says you need to be. Further, the initial withdrawal...
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