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  1. Linney

    While you were out . . . .

    Have you ever had anything "exciting" happen while you were unconnected from the daily stream of news for a period of time? Even while on vacation I'm usually connected by at least TV news or radio if not my usual internet access. But this time was different. I just returned from two weeks of...
  2. Linney

    Comet 17P/Holmes

    Anyone else out there a fan of astronomical events? Tonight we went out into our backyard and were able to see Comet 17P/Homes with the naked eye. Pretty good trick given that we live in the Pacific Northwest, home of clouds and rain most of the time! Here is a link to a collection of...
  3. Linney

    How long would you be willing to stick it out for FIRE ?

    I've been thinking about this on and off for awhile and youbet's post reminded me to start a new thread on this topic: So... here's the question: If you were within a few years of achieving financial independence and being able to retire early, how many days/months/years would you be willing...
  4. Linney

    Rolling with the punches -- new benefits cuts from MegaCorp

    I thought I had escaped the worst. Last year there was a freeze placed on the pension benefits of about 2/3 of our Mega Corp's employees. I was above the cut line due a combination of age and years of service, so I continued earning pension benefits. Ah, but think again! The company just...
  5. Linney

    Trad 401k or Roth 401k for High Earners

    HatePayingTaxes started a thread on Trad 401k vs. Roth 401k for a younger worker. Most of the articles I've seen about Roth 401ks tout the advantages for younger workers. I have only found a few articles talking about the advantages of a Roth 401k for a high earner. Next year I am going to be...
  6. Linney

    Personal Umbrella versus Personal Excess Liability policies ?

    I just received the umbrella liability renewal notice from my insurance company and got a minor surprise. They have changed the policy from "Personal Umbrella Liability" to a "Personal Excess Liability". I searched a bit in google and various websites seemed to indicate that these two policy...
  7. Linney

    A not-so-Young Dreamer

    Hi there. I'm a not-so-Young Dreamer in my mid 40's who is on the countdown to RE, maybe 2009, 2010 ? ? ? I've been lurking for a little while.... ok, ok, probably for yearrrsss now. I've been working at "MegaCorp", living in an 8x10 cubicle with no windows for 20+ years now which we've been...
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