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  1. G

    All set except for the big "what now"

    I think I'm all set to pull the plug in June after 46 years in the work force. Walking away from high paying but stress loaded job. Portfolio value 2.0 mil, pension 100k, house paid, car paid, good health, live nice but moderate lifestyle. Any doubt about financial readiness? With all that in...
  2. G

    How close to estimating Retirement $ needed

    I read of many varied ways to calculate how much we'll need when retired as a % of what we are currently earning. I am interested in how close folks have come to estimating what they need and how they calculated it.
  3. G

    Motley Fool

    I've followed Motley Foll website for a few years as a casual observer. They seem fairly well grounded with a broad variety of advice. Yesterday I learned they will now offer a new Mutual Fund with no specific limits like smal, med, large cap or value or growth. What's the opinion here on the forum?
  4. G


    Hi, I have been reading the forum for a while but have not posted yet. That will change today. It strikes me as funny how relative certain things are. Here I am thinking about retiring "early" at 61 which is "late" it seems for most forum members.
  5. G

    Sell Bud now or wait

    Would you sell Bud at 67 or wait for the 70 takeover?
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