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  1. Gardnr

    Non-traded REITs vs. publicly traded REITs

    Ray Lucia regularly touts non-traded REITs as an excellent income investment primarily because they don't have the volatility of traded REITs. These things apparently have big commissions up front and high fees as well, compared to traded REIT funds and ETFs. And they have very little...
  2. Gardnr

    Credit score recovery after Bankruptcy

    This article is about the unsurprising increase in personal bankruptcies. R.O.I. - One thing that really caught my eye is at the end of the article: Is this just another symptom of the easy credit days that is going to change? I sure hope so because the idea that somebody could get...
  3. Gardnr

    Mutual Fund outflows - capitulation sign?

    According to this website - TrimTabs Newsroom - $43 Billion was taken out of equity mutual funds during the week ending Wed Oct 8. That compares with $75 Billion outflow for the eight months ending Aug 31 and $41 Billion for the month ending Sep 26. That's a boatload of money and helps...
  4. Gardnr

    Figuring total returns vs. price change only?

    Splitting off from another thread: CFB Help me out here with something I've been trying to figure out. How do I find out and compare the total returns for different stocks/funds in chart form or otherwise? It's tough to compare apples to apples without figuring in reinvested dividends (and...
  5. Gardnr

    Special Extra Earnings for Military Service

    Has anybody here dealt with this? I'd never heard of it before seeing this at Veterans Report - Extra Social Security Benefits SS site: Special Extra Earnings for Military Service The SS site says, "From 1968 through 2001, you do not need to do anything to receive these...
  6. Gardnr

    ...thinking about ER, pretty sure I'm FI

    I'm a bit tardy in posting my intro here on the forum. I've kicked this can down the road quite a bit for a number of reasons. But now I'm going to tackle this. I'm 45 yrs old, retired Air Force (April of this year) and an airline pilot. The airline career is going into the toilet with the...
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