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  1. Canopybowstars

    Would you go to Hawaii right now?

    Aloha! Come to Oahu We live in Honolulu and the Island is open for visitors. Even Maui is welcoming tourists able to stay in other parts of the Island. Expect to see longer waits for tables and higher per-night room rates in Waikiki. Aloha
  2. Canopybowstars

    are buckets really necessary?

    The key is comparing income to expenses in this equation. The more your basic living expenses are coming out of your portfolio (the spigot out of the bottom of your bucket) the more important the need to manage the sequence of returns risk. This year is a great example. What if you didn’t use a...
  3. Canopybowstars

    having a social life while saving money??

    We’re in an early-retirement forum, so let’s think about the opportunity cost of every dollar spent at the club in our 20s and what that could have been in our 50s. At just 6% interest it’s a factor of 10. That $40 bar tab could have been $400. If you want to retire early, it its important to...
  4. Canopybowstars

    28, Active Duty Enlisted USN, 2029 Goal

    I retired from the AF in 2014 and am currently living/working in Europe as a civilian employee—more because I want to rather than I need to. Congratulations on the frugal lifestyle and your ambitious savings habit. Those two things alone tell me that you’ll be just fine after you hang up your...
  5. Canopybowstars

    A real to spend it all

    Consider a charitable gift trust. You’ll still have spendable cash for luxuries but sleep great at night knowing that when you’re finished with the money others will benefit from your generosity. (Plus, with the current tax system it’s a way to elevate your charitable giving to the point that it...
  6. Canopybowstars

    Social Security Questions

    Married or single? Your spouse may thank you later if you defer taking social security since they’ll receive the higher of their own benefit or yours after you pass. You may want to accelerate your burn rate now to defer and the replenish your savings (or at least slow the burn) when you do...
  7. Canopybowstars


    Hi Tom. Fellow military retiree here. I’m going naked (without a supplement) for now since I am close to a military installation that will see us. I’m told MOAA has a good plan that some active duty members take advantage of to get off post care. Urgent care met most of our needs for a low out...
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