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    Free and Clear

    Congrats !! Who knows, maybe Mondays will become your favorite day now ��
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    Another Success Story

    Congrats !!
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    Money Market Account Recommendation

    Sallie Mae offers a MM account, 1.15% with check writing. Max of six withdrawls/checks per month as per Federal regs. If over six, you get hit with a fee of $10.
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    Surprises during the first month

    Congratulations !!!!!
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    It's funny joke Thursday! 2005 - 2020

    :2funny: one of the best !! :2funny:
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    RIP Gwen Ifill

    RIP Gwen.
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    IRA contribution dates conflict.

    I think the 2014 IRA contribution deadline was April 15, 2015 for both Roth and traditional IRAs. It’s also the same day taxes are due. You should definitely contact whomever holds you IRA to discuss ASAP. Remember, that amount was reported to the IRS.
  8. B

    Most retiree will never draw down their portfolio?

    Is he talking about tobacco ? :coolsmiley: :angel:
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    Yet another taking SS early question- sanity check on my math

    Here is the link to the estimator. The estimates are based on your actual records and you can make different scenarios.
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    Permanent Denture

    I have what would be called 5 on 5. 5 implant posts upper and lower with a full upper and lower bridge. I am pretty happy with them and can eat anything I want now but it does feel different from your natural teeth. Remember each of your natural teeth had a nerve inside (unless u had a root...
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    Netflix movie or show suggestion

    Experimenter FIFY
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    I Can Not Believe It

    Congratulations !!!!
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    I am ghandi, 1/14/2016 !

    Congrats !! You are gonna love your new life !!
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    Pulled the Trigger!

    Congrats !!
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    SS File and Suspend to End?

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    FICO Score, the Great Mystery (?)

    One thing comes to mind. what's your limit on the AMEX card? If it's less than17K then you are using more than 30% of that card. Hence the "balance is too high to your limit" comment. It's best to keep balances on any one card below 30%.
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    First move toward cutting the cord

    VERY interesting. Thanks for the info !!
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    It's funny joke Thursday! 2005 - 2020

  19. B

    Netflix movie or show suggestion

    Absolutely hilarious !! :laugh: Thanks for the tip.
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    A tale of woe

    Great advice !!
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    Last cigarette 2 years ago today!

    Congrats !!! Close to 2 full yrs myself. I took a more circuitous route. First e-cigs then Chantix. Feels great to be a Non-smoker, doesn't it?
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    i did it , first day retired

    Great news !! Congrats !!
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    Question on 457 Roth (deferred comp)

    Does the plan have a website you can access?
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    529 plan for grandkids?

    Sure, and not only tax free growth but if you stick with a plan in your state, you will get one of the largest state tax deductions available in the country !!
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