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  1. E

    Investing into a Brewery

    There's probably a very good reason why there are only 18 other GF breweries in the country. Also, once they have your money, they have no requirement to consult you on anything or give you a nickel off on your beer.
  2. E

    Guys who have tried dying their hair and/or beard, would you reccomend it?

    I started coloring my hair 13 years ago when I was 55 and between jobs. A friend talked me into trying it. I was about 3/4 grey at the time. I'm still doing it after all this time and don't plan on stopping. To be honest, I know I'm the only 68 year old walking around with all brown hair and...
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    Die With Zero - Book

    Years ago, I had on my bookshelf two books: "Die Broke" and "Don't Die Broke." If I manage to die broke, I'll have a smile on my face.:greetings10:
  4. E

    How do you deal with a wife with no FIRE plans?

    Oh Please For heaven's sake, of course the young lady is wanting to spend your money. What do you think she married you for? She's in the prime of her life, forgoing a sex life with a young hunk in exchange for a rich American geezer. You have partaken of her assets and now have to hold up...
  5. E

    Lets Talk Riding mowers

    Repair for $300 I'd say that most people that want to cut their grass and spend as little as possible would go ahead and fix their 8 year old mower for $300. People that have $3K laying around and want to buy a new toy should just go ahead and buy it. Both alternatives will get the job done.
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    What prompted you to pull the trigger...

    I'd saved and invested my entire working life and planned to work until 57-58. My job was eliminated at the age of 55 and though I'd reached FI, I wasn't psychologically ready to retire at the time. This was in 2009 and there were no jobs in my field for someone my age. I finally gave up the...
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    Why am I still working?

    I was involuntarily retired at 55. Now, at 63, I see that it was the best thing that could have happened to me. If not booted out, I'd have worked another 5 years at least. Working a high stress job isn't worth it. If you'd said you were cruising along with good life balance, and in need of...
  8. E

    Are you retired?

    Are you retired? Yes, I retired 7 years ago. How old (we)re you when you retire(d)? 55 Involuntarily booted out the door When d(id) you want to retire? 29 I was a fast learner:dance:
  9. E

    Is $4.3 million enough?

    Get out NOW! Good God man. You've worked years TOO LONG! Retirement is fantastic. Don't miss another day of it.
  10. E

    Anyone Feel Guilty?

    No, I don't feel guilty at all. I was downsized 5 years ago (and had already reached an adequate level of FI), so I would have worked even longer had they let me. What I feel now is that I worked TOO hard, put in TOO much time. What a shame that I had to devote so much of my best years to...
  11. E

    You don't want to retire too soon....

    I've been retired for 4 years now. I do find myself occasionally "selectively remembering the good days at work." However, I've yet to find myself, even for a second, wishing I was still back there.
  12. E

    Calling it quits when you're a little bit short

    Since no one, regardless of our current health or genes, knows how many healthy years we have left, it made sense to me to retire early and make my numbers work by cutting expenses. I look at my first years in retirement as being like a sure bet. I can count on being able to do the things I...
  13. E

    Drop Y membership and just row or not?

    Had a friend that was really into his rowing machine and getting excellent results. The next time I saw him, he told me he had tendonitis in both elbows. So be careful not to overdo the rowing machine. I quite my gym membership about a year ago and enjoy working out at home with a combination...
  14. E

    Another Take The Package and Run or Not Question..

    "I work at "A Large Corp" and am eligible for early retirement and have 2 weeks to decide. I am almost 52, have two kids (entering in college and teen) and expect that I need to have to work for another 10 years. I have worked for the company for a long long time.." Not to scare you, but...
  15. E

    Poll: Success rate - 90% to 85yo, 75% to 95yo

    I think you need to look at the income you've projected you need during retirement and ask yourself if you could live on less if you had to. There are many ways of cutting costs and some of us would prefer get out while we can and take the chance they we may have to cut back down the road...
  16. E

    Not the Retirement she was looking for

    I am sympathetic for this woman and know many people in her situation, hard workers who have worked all their lives and are now jobless. They are willing to take almost anything, but the older worker physically can't keep up in many of these lower wage jobs. Not only that, but the competition...
  17. E

    Really concerned about being able to retire, need advice

    Joecaf, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I was laid off at 55, single, no children, small pension and about the same $$'s as you. I got busy tracking my spending and whittling my expenses. I calculated what I would be able to spend annually in order to make my money last and then I...
  18. E

    Poll: If you were in my situation, when would you retire?

    When I look at the longevity tables and look at the odds of a person living to be 90, I get a 10% success rate.
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    Poll: If you were in my situation, when would you retire?

    Quit now, while you're still healthy and can enjoy yourself. Health is more valuable than money.
  20. E

    Tools/Devices/Items/Equipment that helps you to Live Below Your Means

    Two years ago, I too started tracking all of my expenses down to the dollar. It was an eye opening experience. I started analyzing every spending category to see if I could either eliminate it or reduce it and have succeeded in most of them. This is an ongoing process. One other tip I can...
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    What did your Mom and Dad have to say?

    I'd love to ask my father what he thinks of my early retirement plans. He planned on retiring when he reached 65. Unfortunately, he died 25 years ago when he was only 64. The fact that he worked all of his life and never lived to enjoy one day of retirement has always reminded me that no one...
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    Negotiating on TV and Internet Cable Rates

    I canceled my cable TV altogether almost a year ago, as I wasn't watching it much either. Haven't missed it. Still plenty of good free TV. Saving $61 per month.
  23. E

    Motorcycle: How big is enough?

    Buy yourself a Harley Sam, Since you don't yet have a Harley on your list, I'd suggest you buy one. I have nothing but good things to say about the other bikes I've owned, but made the switch to Harley about 10 years ago and am glad I did. There are many more activities to take part in that...
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