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  1. glippy

    Author of "Idiot's guide to ER" plans to work forever

    I came across one of these typical "retirement is boring" articles. Nothing about it seemed particularly noteworthy. That is, until I read the author's bio and found out she is also the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Retiring Early. I'll say. Money quote: "I am really concerned about...
  2. glippy

    Working Increases Hearth Attack Risk

    Long Hours at work may boost heart-attack risk "People who work an average of 11 or more hours per day have a 67 percent higher risk of suffering a heart attack or dying from heart disease than people who work a standard seven- to eight-hour day, according to a new study in the Annals of...
  3. glippy

    $14M lotto winner, applies to be garbageman

    Guy wins £9.7M (About $14M), spends it all in 7 years and is now on welfare hoping to get his old job back: garbage man. Bin of the chavs: Lotto lout Michael Carroll set to return to old job after blowing £9.7m win | Mail Online In case you're wondering it was the lavish gifts to friends...
  4. glippy

    Sailing for a year or Graduating Early?

    I'm 26 and am just finishing up my first year of grad school. I've got two years and a summer left. I've managed to make it debt free this far and save about $50k by finagling various scholarships and combinations of part-time/full-time work and simultaneous part-time/full-time school. I also...
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