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  1. gromit

    Article - Extra Fees Drive Assisted-Living Profits

    I hope my assisted living years aren't soon, but I thought this NYT article on assisted living added fees, republished with no paywall by Yahoo, might be of interest to people here. If accurate, this article is scary to think about...
  2. gromit


    ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chat bot experiment that is free to use for now, but that will eventually change. You do have to register to use it. I've only started playing with it but find it interesting. It can answer factual questions, but so can Alexa or Google. However it can also...
  3. gromit

    Sean Connery's car and a "blow that dough" message

    The link below is an article about an auction of Sean Connery's personal 1964 Aston Martin. This was not the actual car used in the movies, but a similar one that he bought very late in life and had painted grey. Unfortunately, he waited so late to "blow that dough" and buy the car that he...
  4. gromit

    A new Log video - The Log 3: Tranquility Among the Chaos

    I wanted to share a link to a newly released 3rd Log video! :dance: Its an 8 minute compilation of wildlife crossing a stream on a log, over the course of a year. Earlier this year, within another thread I posted a link to the 2nd log video and a number of people commented that they enjoyed...
  5. gromit

    The Far Side comic strip - Official new website

    Gary Larson, creator of "The Far Side" comic strip, recently created an official website. He is currently posting a few of the classic strips every day and promises to add some new ones on a periodic basis.
  6. gromit

    Understanding a switch wiring mistake.

    I'm lost on a switch wiring issue. Details are below. I decided to upgrade a bathroom exhaust fan toggle switch to a digital timer switch. The fan has both a light and fan, but each has a dedicated switch. The old fan switch had a load, line and ground attached. The new switch requires use of a...
  7. gromit

    HVAC/Heat Pump repair price- reasonable or ripoff?

    I had the A/C unit replaced this summer. Now that its heat season, I had air blowing but no heat and called the installer to come look at it. I'm now skeptical of what I'm being told and need some advice. I have a 2 zone, 1 stage system with a hybrid heat pump valve on the A/C unit and a...
  8. gromit

    Informed Delivery - a free new USPS service

    This week I started trying out USPS's new free "Informed Delivery" service. My understanding of how it works: Apparently, the mail processing machines already scan a digital image of every letter sized envelope. With Informed Delivery, you can either log onto USPS and see the scans of all of...
  9. gromit

    Amazon lowers free shipping threshold to $35

    Amazon has lowered the threshold for non-Prime free shipping to $35. Walmart recently implemented a $35 threshold and Amazon appears to have decided to match it. :)
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