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  1. M

    retired early; moved abroad; living on less than $500/month

    All you story is very inspiring. I am planning to retire in Costa Rica next year with my wife. I would love to hear more on what steps I need to take to make it happen. Your lifestyle in Costa Rica really appeals to us. Any recommendations on what to do and not to do will be really appreciated...
  2. M

    *NO* Individual Stocks

    I did stock picking for 20 years with mixed results. I am 100% in 3 passive wide index ETF's, I am ready to retire any moment now and I am not messing with my retirement money :)
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    Diet Wars

    I put a bit on weight last year due to pandemics. Reached 210 pounds (I am 5'11). Tried different approaches and nothing quite worked until I mixed the following 3 methods: 1. Kept eating whole plant based diet (I have been a quasi vegan for the last 2 years) 2. Started calorie counting using...
  4. M

    Can I retire?

    I believe you are in good shape! Your reasonable needs should be covered without problems with what you have. And you should be able to indulge in reasonable wants as well! In bad times you should be OK by scaling down your expenses. And in good times you can scale up. You could work more if you...
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    Retirement: Day #1

    Congrats!!! I am 55 and I took a sabbatical year in 2017 to test the waters. I may take another one next year! And if everything is good. Then transition into full retirement!
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    Moving after retirement?

    How is the cost of living? Is it expensive?
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    Thinking of retiring and scared

    You can postpone your retirement if you feel better this way but sooner or later we all retire, and the fears will never disappear. To be afraid of the unknown is just natural. We all are afraid of the unknown. Your better chance is to get more educated. I would recommend some reading, for...
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    5 Year Review - How to Lose a Million Bucks

    No one can predict the future. Stick to your planned asset allocation, be happy, enjoy life.
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    restarting at age 47

    I am sorry to hear about your second divorce. If I were you I would focus on two things only: 1. Very aggressive saving rate. I mean really aggressive at least 40% to 50% (my savings rate this year was 69%) 2. Very simple investment strategy. In my case for example I am 30% BND, 49% VTI and 21%...
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    Controlling the unholy trinity (salt, sugar, saturated fat)

    I always had high cholesterol levels. Read a couple of books: "The Blue Zones" and "How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease". Watched videos on Started a whole plant based diet (+ salmon every now and then). I am...
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    Would anyone like to share their financial goals for 2021?

    To finish preparations for the big leap! To gather all the available information in order to become a savvy full-time world explorer.
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    Trying to time the markets

    For me, re-balancing my 70% VTI 30% BND portfolio gives me an exact timing on when to act, no emotions involved. During Feb-March drop my portfolio became 65/35, so I sold 5% of my BND and bought 5% of VTI. After the market recovery my portfolio became 75/25 so this time I sold 5% of VTI and...
  13. M

    Hi I am 55 ready to retire

    In my case I am working from home, it is not a stressful work for me. I do a bit of reports and light programming. I can save most of my earnings. With the coronavirus there is nowhere to go. So I am waiting for the worst to be over. My plan is retire next year or so. I am secretly hoping that...
  14. M

    Hi I am 55 ready to retire

    Hi Bill, Thanks for the welcome message!! My current asset allocation is 4% Cash 26% BND, 49% VTI and 21% VXUS. I wanted to have a feedback if this allocation is reasonable.
  15. M

    Hi I am 55 ready to retire

    Hi, I am 55 ready to retire next year or the year after. I hit my number already.
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