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  1. T

    401(k) Plan Asset Allocation, Account Balances, and Loan Activity In 2010

    Employee Benefit Research Institute’s annual publication using their data on • 23.4 million 401(k) plan participants, in • 64,455 employer-sponsored 401(k) plans, holding • $1.414 trillion in assets. 401(k) Plan Asset Allocation, Account Balances, and Loan Activity In 2010 | EBRI From...
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    Quicker or slower road to FIRE

    To get to FIRE, many seemed to have set the goal and then toughed it out for years, or even decades, in jobs they had long since grown weary of. Some found themselves close enough and gradually scaled back. Some realized they were already there and went “screaming into the night”. I still...
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    Working Backwards to FIRE

    Hi. I've been a lurker for a while. Learned a lot from many here, thank you. Decided it's time to sign up and contribute. Basics - mid 30's, single, mega corp, like the meat of the work, hate the fixings it comes with. Will relentlessly pursue my passion once I figure out what it is. Calculated...
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