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  1. P

    Mortgage market has gone crazy

    DW and I built a house last year and have a 30 year traditional at 4.375 I just locked in 3.375 for a 20 year refi with Amerisave. The payment on the refi is about $200/mo more than what I pay now, closing costs will be about $1900.
  2. P

    Michael Burry UCLA Econ Commencement Address

    I enjoyed the speech but it was pretty depressing. I've heard the argument that the US is just stalling the eventual correction that is coming with all the outside intervention from the policy makers, the Fed, and the big banks. The 2008-2009 correction didn't do enough and before it could, the...
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    Military family looking to FIRE in Hawaii by 2019

    Great information Nords, mahalo. We definitely want the kids to stay close, but there are no guarantees no matter where we live. Appreciate the comments about employment opportunities for vets as well. Most of the information Ive seen on the net has been all doom and gloom about moving to...
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    Military family looking to FIRE in Hawaii by 2019

    @Koolau: Thank you for the info. Cost of living is my biggest concern too, particularly housing. Coming from North Carolina its a big jump (not so bad if you're coming from NYC or SoCal). I hadn't considered costs of travel associated with attending an out of state college for the kids. We have...
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    Military family looking to FIRE in Hawaii by 2019

    Thanks, It was actually one of Nords posts that led me to when I was searching for hawaii retirement. I found the book link on the bottom of his post. Glad to hear the public school system isnt as bad as many people seem to think. That was a concern for us, but I think...
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    Military family looking to FIRE in Hawaii by 2019

    Hello, I found the early forum about a week ago while searching for information on retirement in Hawaii. I have enjoyed reading through the forum immensely and I am learning a lot. Here is some basic information about me: 1. I am 40 years old, married, with 4 children from...
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