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  1. mattbaxx

    What was your happiest moment today?

    Local daughter with 1 year old granddaughter and out of state daughter with 17 month old granddaughter visited today. Made some great memories and took some fantastic photos.
  2. mattbaxx

    PSA: How To Tie A Bathrobe Properly

    You're not the only one! Been dealing with this for a while, on those mornings when I wear the robe for a few hours. Every time out of the chair, down the stairs, or walking around, the robe opens. Gonna try this tomorrow morning. Won't just benefit me, but my housemates as well!
  3. mattbaxx

    Open Social Security + WEP

    Thanks, OtL. Just what i needed.
  4. mattbaxx

    Open Social Security + WEP

    Looking for a critique of my understanding of Open Social Security. I am limited to 40% of my FRA benefit due to the Windfall Elimination Provision and only 13 years of "substantial earnings." Wife has no such limitation. So on OSS I put in 40% of my FRA projected benefit and wife's full...
  5. mattbaxx


    My mom learned Gregg long ago and taught it in high school in the 1970s. She often used it around the house for her own note taking. I never could make head nor tails of it. In recent years she used it on the outside of boxes in her garage to identify the contents so thieves wouldn't know what...
  6. mattbaxx


    We bought a 2016 Roadtrek SS Agile (Mercedes chassis) new, never having been RVers before (age 54 and 52 at the time). After some local practice runs we left town and spent a year traveling the US, Canada, and Baja CA. About 50,000 miles all told. The next year was about 75% in the van. Two...
  7. mattbaxx

    Happy dreams ... and yours?

    I have my happy dreams, and boy do I need them. What weighs me down: my needy mother entering year 3 in (undesired by her) assisted living; entering year 2 of being too involved in my father's widow's finances; my parents-in-laws moved into our house in August. Happy dreams: One wonderful wife...
  8. mattbaxx

    Soc Sec spousal increase

    Thanks. Good to know it's worth pursuing. No idea if she filed properly, as she applied with her son's help, and I'm dealing with the fallout on the back end. She's 88, so yes, full retirement age. Sounds like some phone time with SS on Monday is warranted.
  9. mattbaxx

    Soc Sec spousal increase

    My dad passed in Feb and his wife delayed in filing for survivor benefit and spousal increase. Her October check did increase to dad’s former benefit but she thinks she is entitled to retro payment of the missed increase from Mar to Sep. Wondering if anyone knows if it is true and worth pursuing?
  10. mattbaxx

    Need some CD knowledge

    Thanks for all the CD insight, withdrawal considerations, auto renewal info. A visit to the bank this week should help me get all my ducks in a row.
  11. mattbaxx

    Need some CD knowledge

    Good point. For my own mother I have done exactly that in the past. For my father and his second wife I choose not to get that entwined. Hoping attention to detail (and browbeating half brother to sell house) will get us through the end of the year without early withdrawals.
  12. mattbaxx

    Need some CD knowledge

    Indeed. Why wouldn't he. Inability to act. Denial of his parents' situation. Some of his own personal/family problems. I hope to convince him to do so this spring/summer, but I need a backup plan in case he doesn't. I don't actually want involvement in the home selling, because in theory I...
  13. mattbaxx

    Need some CD knowledge

    I am getting unexpectedly involved with my father and his wife's finances (by their request I should add). They are 91 and 87. They've got $45K in checking/savings. With their bit of income that will not likely be depleted this year, but certainly next. They've got $132K in CDs that mature...
  14. mattbaxx

    Leftovers (food)?

    I love my leftovers. I love your leftovers. I don't know if it comes from LBYM or minimalism or waste not want not... but we happily eat our own leftovers. Whether we made them or brought them home from a restaurant. The local daughter's husband isn't a fan of leftovers so we've taken theirs. A...
  15. mattbaxx

    FBGRX drop on Friday

    Thanks for the link. Don't recall such large LTCGs and subsequent drop in account value in the past, but I guess overall it's a good "problem" to have.
  16. mattbaxx

    Need advice for son re: air force

    Fantastic thoughts. Thanks, all.
  17. mattbaxx

    FBGRX drop on Friday

    Try as I might I can't find an explanation for why Fidelity's Blue Chip Growth fund dropped 7.64% on Friday. Yes there's a lot in technology, but the biggest drops amongst its largest holdings (Apple, Tesla) were only 2-3%. Just wondering if anyone can point out something I'm missing.
  18. mattbaxx

    Need advice for son re: air force

    Thanks, JD, good points. Gumby, I'd say at this point it is more the experience and training, but could become a career. Does that affect what he might say to a recruiter?
  19. mattbaxx

    Need advice for son re: air force

    My son is thinking about joining the air force and as we are not a military family I need some advice from those who know more than me. First off, I am totally supportive of the idea... I just want to be able to help him if I can. He is 27, with a little bit of college (<2 years), and currently...
  20. mattbaxx

    Last Single Saturday Night

    Street, your contributions to the wedding sound fantastic. Congratulations! I have been very fortunate with a variety of in-laws and I trust you will be too.
  21. mattbaxx

    best time to travel to northern Minnesota/Michigan

    DW and I will travel at some point in 2022 in our class B RV to far northern Minnesota and Michigan to a couple of national parks, and I need advice on the best/worst times. I know we don't want the middle of winter, but what's the cut off in the fall to avoid it? Is humidity the worst part of...
  22. mattbaxx

    Transfer latest EIP Funds to Fidelity

    I'm having the same problem today. OldShooter got me thinking and I just transferred the balance to DS's checking account. He has promised to Venmo me when it arrives. Fingers crossed!
  23. mattbaxx

    Retired for more than 7 years, what % has your NW increased or decreased?

    Years retired: 8 1/2 years With pension or SS: $36K pension annually; SS not yet Percentage increase: 110% Withdrawal rate: 1.68%
  24. mattbaxx

    Anyone play Disc Golf? does map too Here's where we've been:
  25. mattbaxx

    Anyone play Disc Golf?

    I use to record courses bagged but don't log scores. A while back, after 240 or so, they were starting to get a little muddled in our memories. So I put this somewhat random list together. I might adjust it a bit given a whole lot of new courses last summer but at least it's a...
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