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  1. DustyMom

    Does Distribution from Inherited IRA Count Towards RMD?

    My mother passed away earlier this year. Her traditional IRA was combined into Dad's traditional IRA. I have no real questions on that part of things, but she also had a small inherited IRA from my grandmother (her mother) who passed away in 2021. Dad now has this inherited IRA in his account...
  2. DustyMom

    Proof of Funds

    After 5 years of full-time RVing, we are starting to look for a "sticks and bricks" home again. We intend to make a cash purchase. I expected to have to provide a Proof of Funds letter once an offer was accepted, but apparently sellers are starting to require one prior to allowing you to tour...
  3. DustyMom

    Asking For A Friend - Schwab

    A dear friend of mine is nearing the end of the divorce process and will soon be in possession of a reasonably-sized cash settlement along with some property/business that will likely be sold in the not too distant future. She has no investment experience, nor do I believe she has the interest...
  4. DustyMom

    Relative Needs Money - What Would You Do?

    I feel queasy writing about this because it feels like it should be kept private, but I need to vent and that FIRE thing we all have in common is really an important part of this. So, here's the story. DH's sister and her husband have hit a really big speed bump in the road of life (not the...
  5. DustyMom

    Empty Nesters Purging Homes Experience

    Just finished reading through the thread on "Empty Nesters Sellling Homes Experience" and didn't want to hijack that thread. My question is related, but about the purging process of downsizing. How did you get rid of all your stuff? I am starting the process of purging and I keep getting hung...
  6. DustyMom

    What to do with 401(k) Rollover?

    I am struggling a bit with asset allocation for my planned 401(k) rollover. · I have just retired at age 54 (3 weeks now!) · DH will retire in 18 months at age 57 · EXCLUDING my 401(k), asset allocation is 60% equity/40% fixed income & cash · Current 401(k) with ex-employer is in a 2015 Target...
  7. DustyMom

    I want to walk, DH worried!

    Hello, Another long-time lurker, first-time poster. I have been reading these forums for years as we prepare for early retirement and I trust you all to offer sound and knowledgeable advice. I am 54, DH is 55. Original plans were for me to retire in 2017 at 55 and DH to retire in...
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