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  1. C

    WSJ story: Private mortgage lending

    I recently read this story in the WSJ about private mortgage investing: Asking a Rich Stranger for a Home Loan | Jumbo Jungle - The idea intrigued me, I ultimately contacted Rama Capital, mentioned in the article. I received a reply from Mr. Alim Kassam, the CEO. (landed in my Spam...
  2. C

    Question about Obamacare/medicare changes

    With medicare, you've always had to have so many quarters that you paid in to be eligible to draw it when you hit 65. Will it still be the same way under Obamacare, or will all that change? As unbelievable as it sounds, my former employer did not withdraw medicare from my check because we...
  3. C

    Deferring cash payout, IRA or Annuity?

    I'm a new poster here, but have lurked off and on for awhile. Always been impressed with the knowledge to be had here, so I wanted to run something by the forum. I am a retired police officer, my brother also works for the department and is approaching retirement. Upon retirement, our state...
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