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  1. G

    52 - Is it time to ER

    One way to approach this is to set enough of your assets aside now to grow into "enough" to pass down when your children are in their 50's or 60's. Enough is relative of course, in my case I am targeting to provide some security, but not enough to eliminate the need for them to LBYM and prepare...
  2. G

    US vs. local lifestyle

    There have been many posts about living in foreign countries. Many of them talk about the cost of living being very affordable if you live like a local but the cost of living being much higher if you live to US standards. My question is: Can you list the top 3 differences that affect cost...
  3. G

    I think I'm going to say it ..... One More Year :(

    I don't think you can be diagnosed to have OMY syndrome unless you reset your target more than once. My goal was to be done at 50 but at 49 my daughter was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I stayed on until we got clear on her long term prognosis and health care needs. The good news was that...
  4. G

    I think the BS bucket is full.. joining class of 2013?

    Go! You will find many subtle and not so subtle surprises that will delight you in retirement. Sounds like you have covered the reasonable financial risks and if you don't go you are accepting the 100% certainty of trading time for $ that you will probably never use. Time is our most precious...
  5. G

    Poll: Best Refrigerator Style for Resale

    The most important input I can give is to avoid a configuration where the ice maker is in the refrigerator portion and not in the freezer portion. Manufacturers are having a great deal of trouble getting ice makers in the warmer fridg section to work reliably.
  6. G

    Surprising reactions when DW says I retired

    Have seen several threads discussing how folks react when you tell them your retired. In my case I FIRED about 5 months ago at 51. The most surprising reactions for us has been when DW tells a gal pal that I retired. I can't tell you how many of them say something to the affect..."how do you...
  7. G

    ER beta test in silicon valley

    Welcome and congratulations! I am now 5 months into my retirement at 51 yrs old. The first 4 months I most enjoyed hanging around the house, exercise and having time to be a friend to folks I encountered in a way that I was too busy/tired to do before. This past month I started to get...
  8. G

    Happy to get added to the 2012 list

    First of all I would like to thank the folks on this forum who for several years have provided great insight, useful info, and comforting assurance that I was not crazy all these years for working toward an early retirement. I am 51 and DW is 53. I was planning on taking the jump in 2013 but...
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