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  1. M

    Article: American Dream Fades for Generation Y Professionals

    i saw this in atlanta suburbs last weekend. the late 30s folks are not only affluent but many had their children at the restaurants too. one wonders if it is possible that they are saving any money cause it seems they spend whatever they have coming in .. just like i did when i was their age.
  2. M

    At wits end with my dog.

    you should at least give the dog a chance and check for the stones. surgery would be required but you can decide at that point. the stones cause uncontrollable urges and are not the dog's fault.
  3. M

    Music tastes as I get older

    i still think the music that came out of late 60's and early 70's was better then anything else that came after that. but with the help of pandora i have been able to branch out to blues and bluegrass and heard some really great stuff!! but yes jimmy buffet still sounds good to me :cool:
  4. M

    At wits end with my dog.

    have your dog checked for bladder stones. it sounds exactly like what happened with our dog.
  5. M

    Suddenly feeling old and mortal

    the rotator is a tough injury .. maybe you just strained it. i am lucky to have strong shoulders but my right knee is at 60% of what it could be. but i can still hike with a staff and biking is no problem. when i feel old and tired i usually put on some good blues .. drink a toast to the good...
  6. M

    Is your job killing you?

    with you all the way on that. but now i find i have too much time and isolation on my hands .. and miss the paycheck :facepalm: but hey i escaped from the cube farm and avoided an early heart attack and checked off a few more things on my bucket list :coolsmiley:
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