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    People Over 50 Carrying More Debt Than in the Past

    For any article that has a subscription requirement, just put the article title in a search engine and then click on the link to access the entire article.
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    People Over 50 Carrying More Debt Than in the Past

    People Over 50 Carrying More Debt Than in the Past People Over 50 Carrying More Debt Than in the Past - WSJ Not a good sign IMO. Could lead to problems down the road.
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    DIY Patent

    I have had two different ideas/inventions patented. Both times I chose to go with a good patent attorney to do the entire process. The first idea has had five additional patents added to the original patent over the years to protect itself from other companies. These other companies may...
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    Casablanca quotes

    Rick: "Are my eyes brown?"
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    Renting furnished apartments

    I am also looking at traveling to different countries and staying for several months at each place. From what I have read (4 hour work week), the author suggests traveling to the city and country first. That way you can go to the city and walk around and see what areas of the city you want to...
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    Real estate investments outside your hometown

    Would you be willing to pass on the fantastic property manager you have in Virginia Beach? Thanks.
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    Want to take the fast lane!

    AZFI20, I think you are in an incredible position for your age and well on your way to FI very early in life. Just keep on learning, seeking your goal and staying the course. However I don't think you are truly in the fast lane. For you to be in that type of situation you need to develop...
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    Buying a business/Leverage

    It's a new business although through a franchise. Part of the niche is location and it is all about getting into a new area before others are there.
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    Buying a business/Leverage

    I am a big believer in using index funds along with 401Ks, etc for investing. However I am expecting a good amount of money to come in the next year with the sale of an invention and a business. I was thinking about taking this money (maybe as much as a few million) and leveraging up by buying...
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