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  1. P

    Anyone have an Ice Machine (free-standing)?

    I have a stand alone ice maker. Favorite appliance in the house. Best ice ever. Always full. No technical problems and the only time it is noisy is after I empty and clean it and it must refill. It has to work like a horse then about twice a year. Seriously even my dogs stand by the ice maker...
  2. P

    What was your happiest moment today?

    I am not retired. I serve as a Guardian Ad Litem for kids in ugly custody battles. Today I visited a boy at his school. Second time I met with him. I like to ask the kids “who would you talk to if you had a problem or needed something”. This boys heartfelt answer, “well, I could talk to you”...
  3. P

    Sharing 23 years of Frugal Retirement

    So glad to see you back. Do you mind elaborating on your auto expense? Seems high in relation to your other expenses. I somewhere recall you drove later model vehicles? So just curious and interested for my own planning purposes.
  4. P

    The value of LBYM

    In my 20s I made horrible choices both in my finances and in choosing my husband. He was a horrible spender and avoided work at all cost. I was broke, and divorced with two small kids at 31. I decided then I would never live that way again. I avoid debt, put two kids through state college- debt...
  5. P

    Do we really want to get old?

    My grandmother used to say “darling, there are a lot of things worse than dying”. As I watch family and friends age and suffer, I see just how right she was.
  6. P

    Sharing 23 years of Frugal Retirement

    Happy Anniversary!
  7. P

    Happy Easter & Passover

    It is snowing in my neck of the woods! Makes me want to relocate in retirement. Happy Easter everyone.
  8. P

    Wake up call...

    I lost a dear friend and colleague this week. 49 years old. She was prepping for a trial on Sunday and died in her sleep. Left behind a husband and 3 young kids. She always worked too hard and gave her all. I am sad for her loss, but this has been a wake up call for me and other colleagues. I am...
  9. P

    Hired the wrong estate attorney...what to do?

    Yes. I am an attorney in Illinois. We aren’t “board certified” here. Most attorneys aren’t. Again. I would simply raise any questions and concerns with the attorney. Give her a chance to answer. Then make a decision based on those answers. She sounds reasonable.
  10. P

    Regular visits to the skin doctor?

    I let a weird mole/rash go to long. Ended up being bc. Got so big I had to go to a plastic surgeon. That was at about age 40. I now go every 6 months. Like everyone else I get frosted at my visits. Seems like a no brainer to me. My Doc is very thorough.
  11. P

    Hired the wrong estate attorney...what to do?

    As an attorney, I would want to know your concerns. I assume you signed an hourly contract? Contact the attorney and simply ask them about their credentials and share your concerns. The attorney may not WANT YOU AS A A CLIENT anymore. Depending on the contract they will usually refund the...
  12. P

    Tuition payment milestone!

    I am done effective May of 2018. One will graduate age 22 and the 24 year old is now on her own. She has a Year left. She finally got serious
  13. P

    Percolated Coffee

    Best cup of coffee is from a percolator. Just bought one for the new camper. Love the experience
  14. P

    Part time gig ideas for retirement?

    My mom retired and is an usher for the baseball cardinals. She loves it. She gets to meet people and watch good baseball. I would be miserable in August.
  15. P

    Change in Expenses as Children Graduate College

    I am optimistic too. I have two kids in college. I didn't have a savings for them as a result of my divorce and because I was paying my own college expenses. Both kids know they are off the payroll effective May 2018. The tuition savings alone should help out a lot. I hope I don't cave on the...
  16. P

    divorce attorney

    Again, I am a divorce attorney. I can assure you we are not all blood suckers. I know there are some out there that give us all a bad name. Most good divorce lawyers try desperately to settle these cases amicably. I also serve as a mediator and I represent children in the nastiest "custody"...
  17. P

    divorce attorney

    I am family law attorney in Illinois. I am very uncomfortable with "chain" attorneys. They tend to churn their cases. I would suggest you find a local attorney with a strong reputation and history of handling only family law cases. Meet with potential attorneys and have specific questions and...
  18. P

    Changing "Classes"

    Very timely post. My SO and I were just discussing how "much" we have. How our families were of lesser means and both built significant family businesses. I thought of myself as middle class growing up. I now consider myself wealthy. We have so much more than so many. We also discussed the...
  19. P

    divorce affecting FIRE plans

    Everyone's circumstances are different and unique. I think my story summed up my point on marriage. I did it. I won't do it again. Divorce is financially devastating. Prenups are not bulletproof. A person can be reasonable in a divorce but you can't control the other side. I like control of my...
  20. P

    divorce affecting FIRE plans

    My ex and I divorced right after I got out of law school. (I started law school late because we had children). Ex was/is a ne'er do well but he loves the kids. The divorce was horrible and left me broke and bankrupt. Also the main reason I focused on being a family law attorney. I tell the...
  21. P

    plantar fasciitis

    Had PF to varying degrees for years. I wear orthoheels. Only shoe that helps. Had the cortisone shot but that was a temp fix. The only thing that truly works per me and my podiatrist are the exercises. You can YouTube examples. You must do these every day! If I miss too many days the symptoms...
  22. P

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year. We are heading to our favorite restaurant for prime rib and lobster. Really looking forward to the meal and a quiet evening.
  23. P

    2016 Spending

    Ok. I guess I get the boobie prize. I spent double in 2016 over 2015. In my defense, I bought a new house and have spent a fortune. I also have two kids in college and zero help from my ex. Thank heavens I am still working as I expect this level of spending for at least one more year. I have...
  24. P

    Whew! We are grandparents now.

    Congratulations. My kids are probably a long way from giving me grandkids. But I hope to have the experience some day. Enjoy!
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