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  1. R

    Limited Spending Desires

    Well, if you have tons of money, spending is never an issue. Or is it? Even when making the vaunted "six figure salary" much of one's income is taken up with mortgage, 401(k) savings, taxes, health insurance, auto expenses, kids college fund, etc. Most folks would be lucky to have $10,000...
  2. R

    Limited Spending Desires

    It took me 50-some-odd-years to learn that most of us will earn over a million dollars during our lifetime, and yet most of us will squander it on "stuff" like a fancy stereo, or a big-screen TeeVee, or a smart phone, or cable television or whatever. Little bits, here and there, add up, and...
  3. R

    Limited Spending Desires

    Thanks for the links to my blog. To get back to the OP's conundrum regarding the $1600 camera, my advice would be to wait around a bit and look for a used one. If it is a nice camera today, it will be a nice camera tomorrow, but only $800 by then. I wanted to try making some videos using a...
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