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  1. C

    Bull Trap or restarting a Bull run?

    "IMHO, best to take off the table, and buy back in lower. Have patience, market will go down before it goes up again." Bulls eye!
  2. C

    Trying to play it safe

    Are you half-glass full or half-glass empty? I've asked myself this question repeatedly since the melt-down began. More times than not, my answer comes up as half-glass empty -meaning that I believe that there is still plenty of fear out there to continue to drive the market in a general...
  3. C

    Looking for Perspective Regarding College

    This^. When I first began working in college admissions, our admissions director at the time had formerly worked in admissions at an Ivy (Brown). He noted that during his tenure there, Brown's freshmen applicant pool was always strong enough to fill it's entering class 5-times over with high...
  4. C

    Hair today gone tomorrow

    Forget the hair-piece; easy to spot and people either will laugh behind your back or feel pity for you. It's a no-win situation. Rather, just accept it and go for the close-cut look or total shave. Losing hair at the age of 49 is nothing; it's practically expected. In contrast, try losing...
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