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  1. D

    Anyone travelling to San Fran this year?

    From what I understand the SF homeless problem is far beyond "seeing a homeless person here or there" and is worse than in other large cities due to the permissive policies of the city's government. I'm more concerned about the human fecal matter/urine on the streets/sidewalks along with the...
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    Anyone travelling to San Fran this year?

    I've been considering a trip to SF but have seen extensive coverage of the severe homeless problem out there. Also have a friend from Denver who went last year and came back saying "we won't go back." Does anyone have a recent trip experience to relate? Would be interesting to take the...
  3. D

    Is Boeing a Buy Here?

    Yes. The observed smoke trail/fire could mean any number of things, including terrorism. That too is ungrounded speculation but no one knows with certainty at this point. The black boxes are apparently being sent to another country for analysis. Those recordings (if they are usable) should...
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    Take a bow FIRE crowd - we are a rare species

    +1 I did feel some "will the market ever come back" anxiety during that period but never stopped reinvesting my dividends. That paid off nicely as the market rose and was a big factor in my decision and ability to FIRE last year.
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    Fisher Investments

    Wonder if the reason they market so aggressively is a higher level of client churn (turnover) than other financial management firms. Get 'em in, charge high fees, keep them on the books on as long as possible but always have a potential new client waiting in the wings (through marketing) when a...
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    Who else has enrolled in Direct Primary Care?

    Right. At one of my previous insurance-based Doctors in Denver, they had a staff member whose job was filing and following up on insurance claims. You could overhear her calls to the insurers while waiting for my appointment. Her "conversations" often sounded more like arguments - "we didn't...
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    Who else has enrolled in Direct Primary Care?

    Correct. The practice agreement also states "we strongly encourage the patient to maintain health insurance during the term of this membership to cover services that are not provided under this agreement." In my case, I'm also a member of Liberty Health Share, a healthcare sharing ministry...
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    Who else has enrolled in Direct Primary Care?

    Thanks and sorry to hear of this experience. The medical field is certainly not devoid of narcissists. Sounds like you found one.
  9. D

    Who else has enrolled in Direct Primary Care?

    Thanks. Concierge medicine is not the same as DPC though.
  10. D

    Who else has enrolled in Direct Primary Care?

    First a link for those unfamiliar with the model - this has been posted on the forum before in other health threads: I enrolled recently and made a first visit to the practice. So far, so good. What I observed/discovered was: 1. The office is quiet and relaxed. I was...
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    Sad Postmortem on Theranos Inc.

    Precisely. A shame for the employees and stakeholders but much worse for the people who made medical treatment decisions based on the false information produced by one of the Theranos devices. >:( Something is odd about the look in Holmes' eye in the front-facing "stare at the camera" photos...
  12. D

    What have you read recently? 2009 -2020

    Great book. Thanks for the tip. Easy quick read.
  13. D

    Fisher Investments

    +1 Not to mention - if his results are SO GREAT, why does he have to market his services so hard? You'd think they'd be very busy just from the referrals received from his extremely happy clients.
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    Mr. Money Mustache Divorce Blog Post

    That point assumes the other person enjoys the same type of "humor" that you apparently do. In this day and age, I personally don't find the suggestion of divorcing your spouse for the purpose of personal financial gain to be funny. I actually find it sad since it actually does happen. I've...
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    Mr. Money Mustache Divorce Blog Post

    Some sad truths in that post Tightwad. Have you seen this documentary? It is enough to make any man think twice about marrying in today's world: True story: I took a woman in Denver out to dinner during the holiday season (this was many years ago), and...
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    Mr. Money Mustache Divorce Blog Post

    I'd agree about the "replacement lined up" point. However, I've seen multiple studies/articles stating that women initiate a divorce more frequently than men, such as:
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    Blow that Dough! - 2018

    I think that is a very cool example, and I'm with you on the new computer "thing." I looked at a Microsoft Surface Studio at the mall the other day and WOW do I want one. Do I need it? Probably not - current (but old) computer works just fine. Do I want it? You better believe it. I loved the...
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    Persistence of the American Dream

    Agreed. The "lucky" is just a repackaged version of "you were born into privilege and therefore you owe me because I wasn't." That argument has been around for decades but goes through periodic creative rephrasing. It persists because it generates votes for politicians - sometimes. Also, it is...
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    The Art of Off Peaking

    That sounds excellent Bill. Great off peaking example. I've spoken to others who went to Italy over the X-mas holiday and had a similar experience.
  20. D

    The Art of Off Peaking

    Love that one. Better rates at the hotels on those nights as well.
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    The Art of Off Peaking

    I think you have your time periods correct. A friend of mine works for the airlines and flies international routes. He says August is always the most crowded month in Europe.
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    The Art of Off Peaking

    Nice. Love the idea of off peaking museum visits. My family once went to the Louvre during tourist season. Very crowded. You could barely get to the Mona Lisa - a "permacrowd" around it.
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    The Art of Off Peaking

    As a relatively new FIRE member, I found this New York Times article interesting...
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    What have you read recently? 2009 -2020

    +1 Excellent read, and not surprising that Elizabeth Holmes has since received a criminal indictment. Quite the scam they had going at that company.
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    Anyone here who does not like taking medications?

    +1 The side effects seem to be seldom stated by the physician unless you ask. Some critics of the US Health Care system feel that pharmaceutical companies are exerting far too much influence over physician judgment and propensity to use a drug prescription as the answer to any medical issue...
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