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  1. TimeMeasure

    Death w Dignity experience NSFW(?)

    Scrapr, thank you for writing this. Plainly but beautifully written. Hopefully it brings you some benefit to write it. It certainly benefits the rest of us. Your story lights the way for those of us who may someday travel that same path, or help someone else to. It is one thing to read the...
  2. TimeMeasure

    Post Vaccination Behavior

    The main impact of vaccination, in our case, will not be on behavior, but on the psyche. The cumulative weight of being constantly aware of risk, of needing to be vigilant, will diminish a bit. Behavior won’t change much. Even with the Moderna / Pfizer vaccines, at around 95% efficacy, there...
  3. TimeMeasure

    John Mauldin Market Forecast

    Used to read Mauldin years ago, and came to the conclusion that the main value was in finding some interesting charts and observations that one might not run across otherwise... but the value was not in market forecasting or anything actionable. Good for reading, not good for investing. This...
  4. TimeMeasure

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas!
  5. TimeMeasure

    Happier in retirement?

    Retirement probably returns a person to a state closer to whatever their intrinsic, hardwired level of happiness is. So, whether one is happier in retirement than before probably depends on whether the extrinsic influence of work tended to make one happier, or less so, than one’s baseline. In...
  6. TimeMeasure

    Lessons Learned

    Really helpful to read the detailed first-person experience. Thank you for posting this. Sometimes there’s more valuable, actionable information in anecdotal experience, than in the averaged data one comes across otherwise. Hopefully you recover smoothly, but if you do unfortunately end up in...
  7. TimeMeasure

    My husband just tested positive...

    Cindy, sympathies - can hear the worry in your voice. Your husband must be feeling it too. On a purely practical note - If you don’t already have a pulse oximeter, you might want to buy or borrow one. People often feel “relatively” all right with COVID-19, even when their blood oxygen levels...
  8. TimeMeasure

    Ugh - Power Outage

    We have a set-up very similar to this. Honda EU6500iS generator, very quiet, although heavy wheeled unit. One of the benefits of this unit is that it generates very “clean” power - better for appliances etc. It’s sufficient to run most of the important things in the house - furnace...
  9. TimeMeasure

    Coupling up again in retirement

    Thank you for posting this - DW and I both cracked up watching this just now!
  10. TimeMeasure

    Vaccine Trials

    Amen to that. Our local coffeehouses have been making a valiant, well-intended attempt to keep the music scene going... but it’s just not the same as going to a folk music concert in person. And although we managed to travel this fall (on an airplane no less), it was a calculated risk, and...
  11. TimeMeasure

    Coupling up again in retirement

    I hear you... and you may be right... but if I could posit an alternative explanation... Could it not be that Joy... rather than Fear... is what drives the formation of not only most friendships... but also most deep relationships... at any age? Perhaps it’s not really provable, or...
  12. TimeMeasure

    Vaccine Trials

    On the question that came up re: whether you can get another COVID-19 vaccine (if it approved) if you’ve already had a trial COVID-19 vaccine of a different sort: We recently qualified to join one of the COVID-19 trials. During the informational session, they told us that it’s always an option...
  13. TimeMeasure

    Coupling up again in retirement

    First of all, to the original poster, sorry to hear of the unexpected loss of your marriage. That is generally traumatic at any age. After 60, it must seem especially hard to imagine “what next.” In my case, hopefully that will remain forever a hypothetical... but that is unlikely, since DW...
  14. TimeMeasure

    Finding Purpose in Retirement

    This is a really good question. The answer is probably fairly individual. People seem wired to find purpose, meaning, satisfaction in different ways. For me, “purpose” would imply an activity which, from one’s deathbed, one can look back and say: Ah, now that was time well spent. Viewed...
  15. TimeMeasure

    Venus and Mars are alright, tonight

    Was up early that morning and noticed this too! One of the first things, getting up early, before turning on the lights, is to open the windows, smell the night air, and see what clouds and stars and planets are to be seen... Noticed Venus... the Morning Star... on one side of the house... and...
  16. TimeMeasure

    Covid 19 Experience

    Thanks to those who have posted in this thread. Generally it’s difficult to find quality anecdotal accounts, but the tone here seems pretty factual, which is useful. It’s often commented on, but it’s remarkable how poorly understood this virus is. For any general understanding which seems to...
  17. TimeMeasure

    Travel hopes 2021

    This seems to be true with domestic rental cars, too... at least, based on a sample size of looking at one particular city. The quoted rates bounce up and down from week to week, but are comparable to pre-pandemic rates... seemingly no discount at all.
  18. TimeMeasure

    What is one everyday thing you think is THRIFTY, but your friends/family think is CHE

    DW does exactly this! She will also save pieces of Saran Wrap that have been used to cover dishes, if they are still clean. If I run across one of her treasures (e.g. a used piece of string coiled into a small bundle for future use), I’ll proclaim, “Mr. and Mrs. Pack Rat!” She smiles and does...
  19. TimeMeasure

    Reducing dementia risk

    It’s kind of you to actively reach out and engage someone with dementia in activities that they (and you) enjoy. That is somewhat rare, and shows class. It’s more common that people with dementia experience less and less interaction with friends (and even with family).
  20. TimeMeasure

    Online Alternatives to Mainstream Media (News/Discussion/Debate)

    I once saw an article which listed headlines from the front page of a newspaper, details redacted. Standard topics - scandal in government, economic worries, potential conflicts with other nations, etc. All very current headlines; the only question was which newspaper they came from. And then...
  21. TimeMeasure

    Decorate/Remodel for You, or Future Buyers?

    Everything in moderation. We made improvements in our last house that were to our taste, but kept resale potential in mind as well. Whether changes to the house will be helpful, detrimental or neutral in a resale depends on many things, so many of them unknowable - e.g. whether it will be a...
  22. TimeMeasure

    How abrupt was your final decision?

    The path to ER progressed in such extreme slow motion that it didn’t even really qualify as a “final decision” - more a very slow evolution. And the motivation for it changed over time. In retrospect, the thought process and decisions were at least as much on the subconscious level, as they...
  23. TimeMeasure

    Summary Findings – Net Worth Comparison USA

    This is a really interesting ranking. It also brings to mind another thought... Burma, instead of (or maybe in addition to) measuring Gross Domestic Product, measures Gross National Happiness. It would be fascinating to see one of these percentile rankings which, instead of comparing net...
  24. TimeMeasure

    Friends after FIRE

    Very aptly put. Applies to a lot in life. Becoming FI and RE didn’t so much change the nature of friendships, as throw into stark relief what one knows on some level anyway: That many of the “friendships” of everyday life in the working world are situational, and a friendship that alters...
  25. TimeMeasure

    It looks like dementia can be reversed!

    We asked a neurologist (PI on clinical trials for Alzheimer’s treatments) about his opinion of the Bredesen protocol. Though tactfully expressed, his thoughts basically mirrored those expressed in the Lancet article, i.e.: the Bredesen protocol is somewhat vague in implementation, inaccurately...
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