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  1. E

    How am I doing? Age 33 status check

    Thanks NgineER, this is definitely a good read. One good thing though, my thinking was on board with the MadFientist all along, continuing to contribute to my pre-tax retirement plans. I am maxing out my RothIRA, and putting in...
  2. E

    How am I doing? Age 33 status check

    You're definitely right! I am being unbelievably frugal (and sometimes just down right cheap) keeping the expense under $800. I am going all in trying to pay off the house in 3 years - $2000/month. So after that, I'd have more disposable/savable income. (I just hate being in debt and paying $300...
  3. E

    How am I doing? Age 33 status check

    Thanks everyone for the great tips and encouragements! @exnavynuke >As for motivation, I remind myself of what I WANT to be doing and can't because I'm still working and that helps motivate me >to save. Also, I set short-term goals (try to save $XX this year, etc) that I can concentrate on...
  4. E

    Passive income = the best

    Way to go 97gun! There are different strategies to earn passive income, and REI is one of mine as well. You're my inspiration!! I just got my 1st property 2 years ago, and working hard on my next one! Hopefully the day for me spending half a year overseas while collecting rentals will come for...
  5. E

    Friends and family can’t relate

    rlhendren, I can relate! I am 33 and I am already thinking about FIRE. But it can be difficult talking to someone who has a very different mindset. Even my bf, who said he sometimes just stop listening when I talk about FIRE, lol. I am searching the forum right now on how I could get him on...
  6. E

    How am I doing? Age 33 status check

    Hello Everyone, I am a new member on, but have been a long time saver. My journey started when I discovered about personal finance at 27, but the saving really started when my income increased at 29. I've saved enough to purchase my 1st investment property (live + rent out 2 rooms) 2...
  7. E

    Atlanta Financial Clubs?

    Hello, Did you end up joining any FI community in Atlanta? I'd love to meet up with other like-minded people in the area
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