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  1. V

    Mother's Long Term Care Insurance Company Giving Me the Run Around

    Very sorry you are going through this. My Dad had paid premiums for years through the federal gov’t’s LTCI. When it came time to use it, I was explaining his limitations on fixing meals and his inability to walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. I recall the representative telling me that if...
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    Is Moving Large Amounts of Cash a Red Flag?

    Very informative post NXR7 and thanks for highlighting the “cash” part of the transaction. Title 31, Section 5324 of the US Code covers structuring and basically trying to evade the reporting requirements. The G generally won’t charge that code, but uses the info to find, follow, and ultimately...
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    My son wants to me to help pay for his very expensive wedding? How much?

    This will be a great Thanksgiving dinner conversation with my two boys who are senior in high school and sophomore in college. I frequently tell them I am giving them all the tools for success by paying for their cars (50K plus each), paying for their out of state college tuition and residence...
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    Best Retirement J*bs

    One year into retirement, I’m still doing the eBay gig by flipping items found at estate sales. DW and I have been offered stints at Chick-fil-A where we could work part time by picking up available shifts, or none at all if we choose. We had breakfast there this morning and the whole crew...
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    Pet/home sitters while on extended travel

    Try a Scout. Get in touch with BSA and talk with an adult who may be able to point you to an older responsible teen scout. We did that and unexpectedly received pictures of mail received and cats in their happy places.
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    Pension with Survivor Benefit or Buy Life Insurance?

    Today’s federal hires still receive nice cola’d pensions under FERS, many into six figures. The way I understood my options, my gov’t health insurance premiums had to be deducted from my federal pension. If I selected a pension which excluded survivor benefits to my spouse, if I died first...
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    Car Indulgences - Driving 3 Cars

    Don’t leave with just a brochure I retired two weeks ago and was recently given the advice from a working coworker who just cleaned out her deceased dad‘s residence. While cleaning out the dining room, she found the brochure of the Chevrolet Corvette that her dad had been admiring for years and...
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    Used items on ebay

    Love this thread, my recent purchase was my high school yearbook from 1982, in perfect condition, with no marks. I think it was $20. A perfect transaction. A good friend just bought $45,000 worth of primarily Corvette and other Chevrolet parts from a guy who had a large warehouse. My friend’s...
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    Small-town Bernie Madoff

    Are they still in jail? has an inmate locator tab for looking up any federal inmate. Bernie, though I think he’s listed as Bernard Madoff, Michael Vick, Martha Stewart, Louis Pearlman, they’re all listed, either as released, deceased, or still in custody with an estimated release date.
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    At what point did you think the $1 million milestone was possible?

    It’s good decisions, sacrifices, and luck. I met my future wife when we were both 19. She reminds me that when “the gang” was going to see a movie, I declined because I calculated I’d have to work over an hour to make the money I would spend on the movie. It’s those same calculated decisions...
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    Any Big Winners Here?

    Several years ago I was big into frisbee dog competitions, not so much because I could throw a disc that well but because I had a dog that never missed. In 2004 ESPN was hosting the great outdoor games and I let a friend of the club use my dog in the competition. They won the gold medal in...
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    umbrella renewal

    About $650 for $4mm, but I believe rates were based not necessarily on the number of houses and cars, but questions such as kids in the house, whether you deliver or drive for others, type of dogs you own, and perhaps firearms in the house. In Atlanta here, usaa, 7 cars, 2 teen boys, OMY!
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    Craigslist - good or bad in your experience?

    Hundreds of transactions on CL, mostly selling, but also enjoying buying items and flipping the same items on CL. Uneducated sellers, or those who tend to give stuff away are my best customers. Not proud to admit, but I’ve picked up “trash” and sold it on CL, literally hundreds of dollars over...
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    How many years did it take for your 401k to hit 1 million ?

    Be careful on this, in some plans, maxing out early results in missing the matching funds, as in the federal governments TSP, which is allocated over 26 pay periods.
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    Long Term Care

    Check the fine print Dad had the govt LTCIP. He couldn’t walk from the bedroom to the kitchen without stopping in the living room. Took him forever to fix a can of soup, just to sit down to eat it. When I tried to get him some help, the rep said as long as he could move the spoon from the...
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