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  1. C

    Do You Hide Your Financial Success From Others?

    I grew up in a blue collar family and worked hard to get ahead in life by living below my means and delaying gratification (put savings into investments instead of spending) in my 20s and 30s. The sacrifice has paid off Big Time!! With that being said, I find that I tend to keep my financial...
  2. C

    After FIRE, How Do You Model Hard Work To Your Kids?

    When I was growing up, I remembered seeing my dad work 2 manual labor jobs (at a hotel in the morning and then at a restaurant in the evening) to provide for our family. This motivated me to developed a strong work ethic to excel in school and as a professional in my career. I mowed lawns...
  3. C

    Do People Take Your Financial Advice?

    My wife has a close friend who's husband recently became a MD. He had been in school/training for the last 10 years for his specialty. So, he is coming out with 500k of debt but will be making a nice amount going forward. Her friend has been bragging about buying a brand new big house...
  4. C

    Do You Hide Your Financial Success From Your Kids?

    We have hit lean FIRE target thanks to good salaries and living below our means over the last 20 years. So we are technically FI but will work another 10 years for RE (also hit fat FIRE target). We are financially comfortable but chose to live in a modest house and drive old reliable...
  5. C

    Is There Any Yearning to Be Recognized for Your FIRE Success?

    I have been living below my means for 20 years while climbing up the corporate ladder. I invested extra funds from promotions and bonuses to get to my FIRE goal. I am FI and will work for another 10 years until RE. From the outside, no one can tell my financial net worth. I live in...
  6. C

    Hit FIRE Target At Young Age, Now What?

    I recently hit my FIRE target....this is after being miserable in my 20s and 30s climbing the career ladder and constantly chasing promotions by working long hours, late nights and weekends. I also lived below my means compared to my peers so I could invest more funds. After many very...
  7. C

    Change View On Money After Cancer Scare?

    I am in my late 30s, fairly active and healthy. Went in for my routine annual medical physical last week. Ran thru all routine tests. Received a call back a week later to let me know they detected cancer. Thankfully, it's a very treatable cancer but do need surgery to remove. It's not the...
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