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  1. D

    Dividend investors what's your favorite ETF's?

    What are your favorite dividend etf's and what are your goals (retirement income, safety, growth, etc,)? I prefer dividend growth over higher yield so currently in SCHD and VYM but would like to add some diversity for safety. Looking at SPYD and VPU but dividend growth seems lackluster but...
  2. D

    Would you buy this home in our situation?

    So we are currently sitting right at $1.7 portfolio value with no debt and currently rent. We are in a situation where my wife may lose her job in a few months due to company aquisition. If aquisition goes thru we should be at + $2.1 due to retention bonus acceleration, RSU acceleration...
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    If you were only 10% in equities right now because you listened to all the brilliant talking heads listing the variety of reasons the S&P was going down would you start putting money into the market when we're currently near S&P 4,300? Currently making around 5% +/- on the other 90% of our...
  4. D

    Best use of long term capital losses

    As embarrassing as it is to admit we are sitting on around $400k of short term capital losses from the sale of a vacation home at the beginning of Covid and bad market timing in 2021. There has to be a better way to capitalize on this than taking the $3,000 deduction every year. Was thinking...
  5. D

    49 and need to get the ball rolling

    We are 49, no debt, $165,000 cash, $170,000 401k, $120,000 company stock and paid off home($600,000). We've basically ignored retirement planning because it seemed like it would never happen early for us. Like many, we kept ignoring it and then it got to the point where we were too embarrassed...
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