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  1. sroby2020

    Toyota key fob stopped working suddenly

    There might be a fuse inside the car (or engine compartment) that controls the key fob unlock operation. Check your owners manual.
  2. sroby2020

    Thirty-Six Years Today Stock Market Crash

    no money, no job October 1987 - I had been laid off from Big Oil the previous year and had gone back to school to get a degree in Computer Science. I was about 2 months away from graduation, so no job, living off of a wish and a prayer. So October 1987 didn't affect me financially. I was...
  3. sroby2020

    Talking to 'regular folks'

    When I answer the "What did/do you do?" question, I truthfully respond: I was a geophysicist. Most people act like they know what that is, and say "Okay!" and I can see their eyes glazing over. If they follow up and ask "What exactly is a geophysicist?", I give a detailed explanation and most...
  4. sroby2020

    FIRE-eligible, Handcuffed, Enjoy Job

    I worked in the oil and gas exploration business since college. First layoff in 1986. My wife and I swore that once we got back in, to work as long and hard as we could until it happened again. We could have FIRE'd since 2012, but stayed the course a few more years. Fast forward to 2016, and...
  5. sroby2020

    Purchasing New Car

    We made our most recent auto purchase last December. We intended to pay cash, but got a $500 price reduction for financing (decent interest rate, too). No extra fees on the loan (which was strange to me, because that's how the dealers make more money). The dealers around here no longer...
  6. sroby2020

    Walmart Tales and Woes

    carts lock up inside store I regularly see the carts lock up inside the store (Kroger). An employee has to unlock it with a handheld transmitter. Apparently there are still bugs in the system.
  7. sroby2020

    Sector Rotations

    Like Using Cho[sticks to Catch a Fly I looked at this many years ago and did a lot of back-testing going back 2 years to check on methods. In the long run, SPY was the winner.
  8. sroby2020

    Issues with Night Vision?

    My eye doctor says that as we age, we all get some degree of cataracts. Mine are not very serious and just present by needing brighter lights when reading or more glare while driving at night. Like others, I has RK about 30 years ago, and the night vision is still an annoyance. I suspect that...
  9. sroby2020

    Asleep At the Wheel

    still got aways to go With 30+ years (estimated) left in my retirement years, I am still about 75/25 AA. We considered going more to a 60/40 or 50/50 AA, but that would actually increase our taxable income, and hence our tax bracket, so that was a bummer. We are sticking with high quality...
  10. sroby2020

    Perspective on Income Taxes

    The current tax rates are abnormally low. I suspect that when they expire in 2025, the party that controls Congress/Senate will either jack them way up, or keep them low for a few more years. I would love it if they would stay low for the next 30 years... I guess if they go way up after 2025...
  11. sroby2020

    Hi, I am 57 thinking of retiring next year.

    I retired at 57, and found myself with a similar plan as you describe. Weekends: You may find that doing fun things during the week works out better.... less crowds and more availability of hotels, campsites, whatever. Home renovations: I did that for the first year and whipped through our...
  12. sroby2020

    We went to a retirement seminar

    Are they the one that used the "Just Do it!" slogan way before Nike got a hold of it?
  13. sroby2020

    Fusion Energy Breakthrough

    Quoted from 2 Peter 3:10 "... and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
  14. sroby2020

    Up to what bracket should I do Roth Conversions

    Careful! Medicare has some surprises to your Part B and D premiums if you exceed certain income thresholds.
  15. sroby2020

    Inflation vs. Personal Inflation - How has your annual spending changed?

    We just got a renewal notice for car insurance. Up 37% since 6 months ago. Wow! We have a 10 year old car, and a 11 year old car, both still running good. No claims on either of these cars. No tickets.
  16. sroby2020

    What do you take for high blood pressure?

    worked for me, too I was on Lisinopril 10mg for a few years, then I purposely started eating better (no dairy, no grains, more fruits & veggies). I lost about 40 pounds over 6 months, got off all of my meds. Been good for over 6 years now.
  17. sroby2020

    When do people give up on wearing contact lenses?

    Gave them up for RK I started wearing contacts going into college and after about 10 years I gave them up because the blood vessels in my eye were changing ro compensate for the contacts. I was told that was not good. A few years later, I had RK eye surgury (way before Lasik). At about 46, I...
  18. sroby2020

    IRMAA - how to avoid with this xtra tax

    My desire to complete my Roth conversions is higher than my desire to lower my IRMAA tier. I should have the Roth completed before I turn 72. Then I just have to wait 2 more years to lower my IRMAA tier. My increased Medicare premiums would still be lower than the ACA premiums.
  19. sroby2020

    Replacement of Dental Crowns?

    restoration I recently had some gum recession. My dentist added a small extension to the crown to allow for the recession. It took about 15 minutes. The crown itself was replaced about 5 years ago after I chipped it somehow.
  20. sroby2020

    Tax loss harvesting

    I did the TLH a couple of years ago and I am still working on the excess. So, I won't do it this year. My current concentration is doing the Roth conversions from my IRA accounts.
  21. sroby2020

    Pre-Diabetic level - Doc suggest no bread/pasta - What's your substitute for bread?

    Not that hard At the suggestion of our Chiropractor, we cut out grains, pastas, and anything with ADDED sugar. We concentrated on good carbs (there is a list out there somewhere). We also ate more vegetables, less fruits. That got us about 15 - 20% weight reduction, and greatly improved...
  22. sroby2020

    Is the Automobile Bubble Bursting?

    Trying to keep limping along We've got 2 vehicles 10 years old. One has 186,000 miles, the other 56,000. The more used one was in the shop (trusted local mechanic, who charges about 1/2 of dealership prices) for 2 weeks waiting on a part to ship from Portland to Houston. It's back now and we...
  23. sroby2020

    How much do you pay your pet sitter?

    I pay $27/day on 4 indoor cats. This includes scooping the litter box, refilling food bowls and water. Also 15 minutes of play.
  24. sroby2020

    How did they get my number?

    They know more than they are letting on. :frown:
  25. sroby2020

    Condo administration cost (HOA dues)?

    Our HOA went with a management company about 20 years ago. However, their still must be volunteer residents to be on the board of the HOA. The 2 are mutually exclusive. We still have problems getting volunteers. The Management company handles the collections, payments, deed violations, and...
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