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  1. B

    Reddit protests

    I’m a 8-year reddit user and a good friend is a mod. In the past 2 years it feels like ads and bot posts have increased and quality content has gone down. There are still some high-value subs such as r/whatsthissnake but they are becoming rare. I miss the older reddit vibe which felt unique and...
  2. B

    2023 workout thread

    Bike ride and swim yesterday; weight workout today. Upcoming week will be hard to get workouts in as I’m traveling to a wedding.
  3. B

    2023 workout thread

    Another bike ride today, this time mountain biking with my nephew, over 2,300 feet of climbing! Whew! He literally left me in the dust but it was a blast.
  4. B

    2023 workout thread

    Joining this thread as I need accountability while I’m on the road and away from home. Today was a solo 15 mile bike ride with a 995’ climb in there, and 50 minutes of a free weight and core workout that I did with my sister.
  5. B

    Diaries, Journals, Logs - do you keep them, and why and how?

    I could have written your post. I too have angst-ridden teenaged journals, and have journaled off-and-on throughout my lifetime. Over the last decade, I’ve toggled between OneNote and a handwritten journal. Currently I use a handwritten journal -Lechturm - with a lot of colored pens. I enjoy the...
  6. B

    What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

    Initiating my appearance in this forum with a Cobra Kai appreciation post! Agree 1000% with your assessment. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had watching a series, and BONUS my kids and grandkids love it too. Multi-generational appeal, great messages, and sooooo enjoyable. Excited for season 5!
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