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  1. S

    Investing for teenager

    Started a custodial account at Fidelity for our 13 year old. She likes the idea of being able to be FI someday, but unfortunately has very little interest in learning about investing, she just said "buy what will make me the most". Trying to keep it simple and not end up with multiple funds...
  2. S

    The one more year syndrome

    Would like to get feedback from some of you that ER but found yourself stuck in "the one more syndrome" after you reached the financial number you spent decades working and sacrificing to achieve. Seems like something is always going on in the world to make a person think they better work a...
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    Twisted ankle 4 years ago

    I went to the clinic the morning it happened, and they basically told me it will be a long and slow recovery, and didn't need to come back unless it got worse. So 4 years later its much better, but I am still bothered by it after spending some time on my feet. Its a different pain than when it...
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    Fun math problem that stumps everyone

    I stumbled upon this simple looking math problem last week and showed it to several people and have not found anyone that got it right, including my daughters 6th grade math teacher. It took Albert Einstein an hour to figure it out. If you travel at a speed of 30mph in the 1st mile, how fast do...
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    Thoughts on short term rental property

    Interested in getting some opinions, and especially interested in hearing from someone that has invested in short term rental property. We don't have any numbers to run by yet, just started looking what's out there. Would be a long way from where we live so would rely on property managers...
  6. S

    45 and FIREcalc gives 78% success

    Ages in household, 45, 44, and 12 Would love to get opinions about what % success rate from FIREcalc is enough to comfortably pull the plug. A few details No debt, paid for house with siding and roof replaced 3 years ago with steel that has 50 year non prorated warranty. Vehicles are in good...
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