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  1. S

    The Blues (music)

    Good stuff in this thread, a few artists I'm going to have to check out. As I see Milwaukee mentioned, remember Leroy Airmaster? I don't know how many times I saw them in the 80's, but many. For everyone else, WMSE is a radio station affiliated with the Milwaukee School of Engineering. The...
  2. S

    I've Dipped My Foot In 3D Printing Technology

    I used cad software for several decades, so I model using Fusion360 (available free for hobbyists). Even for me there was a learning curve as I had used a different software when w•rking. Unless you are going to use a modeling program regularly, it would be tough to learn and remember what you...
  3. S

    1095A form is incomplete

    We went through that last year. Column B on 1095-A can show zero if the ACA Marketplace determines someone is ineligible for PTC at time of enrollment. It does not mean that the person is ineligible at tax time. There are multiple places which mention that if someone elected not to receive...
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