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  1. J

    Shelf life of Tires

    Here's a question for you car lovers. What's the shelf life of a tire? I've googled it and 6 years seems to be the magic number. My original tires are getting close to 8 years old on my honda civic yet still have a decent amount of tread on them (enough to last another year or two with my...
  2. J

    History Buffs - Old Newspapers?

    One of my hobbies is history (in general). I'm wondering if anyone else has found a good source of online historical newspapers that is free/cheap. I've spent a while googling around and looking at my local university's website and the NY public library's site to no avail. I know my local...
  3. J

    13 week Treasury Bill at 3.30%??!!

    According to the Yahoo Finance site, 13 week T bills are quoted with a yield of 3.3%. I double-checked secondary offering prices/yields through and this seems to be fairly accurate. What does this mean? This represents a drop of about 1% in the yield since yesterday. Is this a...
  4. J

    Recommend a good book on "how cars work"

    I'm interested in learning more about how cars work. Eventually, I'd like to be able to troubleshoot/repair our cars for the most part. I'm an engineer, so I'm pretty familiar with all the theories and science behind what makes cars work (electricity/physics, thermodynamics, chemistry...
  5. J

    Vanguard introduces four new low-cost bond ETFs

    0.11% expense ratios.
  6. J

    First Quarter, 2007 Investment Returns

    What was the return on your investment portfolio from 1/1/2007 to 3/31/2007? I'm at 2.1%. That's with a mostly stock portfolio (~90-95%).
  7. J

    School me on schools

    I've always heard people talk about shopping for a house with good schools. Around where I live this doesn't really make sense. We have really large school districts here in NC (my current district is supposedly the 21st largest in the country and growing quick). Here's how our system works...
  8. J

    Anyone watching OSM? Big sell today

    Looks like someone sold a 200,000 share block today. Harris Everett (at 358,880 shares) and Swiss Re (at 400,000 sh) are the two listed institutional shareholders at yahoo finance. Musta been one of them selling. Today's trade represents 5% of the float sold at one time. If a big institutional...
  9. J

    I'm done with phone company - time for Vonage?

    Well, I knew it would happen eventually. The phone company finally dropped the straw that broke the camel's back on me (see notice below). I can't go without long distance because Bell South (my local carrier) charges me to NOT have long distance. Ok. So I go with AT&T long distance - ANY free...
  10. J

    Paris Hilton looks bored at Vienna Ball Least newsworthy article I've ever seen. Must not have been many bombings in Iraq today...
  11. J

    Portfolio tracking spreadsheet

    I need to develop a spreadsheet to track my portfolio. I primarily use Yahoo! Finance's portfolio tracker which works pretty well. But it doesn't do everything I want it to. I was hoping some of you might share your spreadsheets with me and/or the forum. Here's what I'm looking to do: -...
  12. J

    Anyone using Fidelity's "Full View" service?

    Fidelity is offering a service called "Full View". From their website: "Use Full View® to create a complete picture of your online financial accounts with a single log in to Get a Consolidated Picture of Your Finances Full View displays your recent account information from...
  13. J

    Psychology of the Housing Bubble (and its collapse)

    Has anyone noticed the absence of new posters bragging about their huge equity in their houses. Six months or a year ago it seemed like every few days a new poster would start a "Hi, I'm new here" thread that went something like this: "Hi, long time lurker. Age 41 with wife and 1 kid. $1.3...
  14. J

    Vanguard Releases Preliminary Capital Gains Estimates

    I know a lot of folks here use Vanguard, so FYI: International value fund - about 8% capital gains distribution!!! Good thing I put that in a tax deferred account... ;D
  15. J

    Flexible Spending Accounts - Child and Dependent Care

    Annual Benefits enrollment time is here again. We're considering contributing $3600 into a Child and Dependent Care FSA to pay my mother in law for child care services for 2007. Two kids, $300/month (the "family" rate). Under the table of course. Therein lies the problem. The FSA administrator...
  16. J

    HSA's - more questions

    Correct if the employer's cafeteria plan allows the HSA contribution. Also correct on the tax issue. You only save the FICA if it goes through the cafeteria plan. The treasury department website should have the rules. Here is at least a web site that agrees with me...
  17. J

    Man Wins $3 million Home but can't afford it "Man Who Won HGTV Dream Home Says It's Too Costly To Live In It" "Donald P. Cook, who won HGTV's 5,700-square-foot Dream Home on April 29, plans to sell the house because of the high taxes and maintenance costs." "[The owner] said the electricity...
  18. J

    It's so hot...

    they can't even fit all those triple digit high temps on the 5 day forecast!
  19. J

    United States Big Mac Index

    With all this recent talk of cost of living differences between different cities, I thought it might be interesting to compare the cost of a Big Mac (from McDonald's) in your area. I know national restaurants vary their prices by region. Please state the regular menu price for a big mac and...
  20. J

    Oh my god, you're going to get fired!

    Or so I initially told my wife. She and I were talking yesterday. She told me about her conversation with her assistant boss that went something like this: Asst. Boss: "So, you don't really have to take three full months off for maternity leave do you? We really need you here, as we're a...
  21. J

    2nd Quarter 2006 investment results - Surprising!

    I did my quarterly financial statement Sunday (like I do at the end of every quarter of the year). My investments were down 1.4% over the 2nd quarter, 2006. I figured they would be down more than that - like maybe 5% - based on the recent market downturn. I'm in almost 100% stocks. The 1.4% loss...
  22. J

    "Global Giving" - Great website for donating to good causes - thoughts? Instead of making a donation to a huge goodwill entity like the Red Cross, you can make a donation to a specific project, using "Global Giving" as the intermediary. Many of the projects have budgets of $10,000 or less, so a gift of $100 or so will go a long way in...
  23. J

    Spousal Abuse in China! "A Chinese woman has been charged with accidentally killing her husband with a sword after he refused to make her dinner, the Shanghai Daily said on Tuesday." Husbands, you better listen to your wives, OR ELSE!
  24. J

    Dear Florida, You didn't do your job this time.

    Florida, what happened? Why didn't you stop this storm from hitting North Carolina? What is up with all this flooding we have?;s=1;w=400 My favorite was this photo (below). You think? This darn storm almost messed up my lunch plans...
  25. J

    hard drive problems - reinstalling windows xp

    Computer gurus, I need help! Laptop is giving me problems. Not sure exactly what is wrong yet. So far the symptoms are: 1. Running hot, suspect it is overheating (it operates better/faster when it is cool, then slows down and dies after it heats up, and it is too hot to touch on the bottom...
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