Search results

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    B&B Recommendation in New Orleans?

    I am going to New Orleans from Nov 19-23. I've been many times before, but never married :) I'd like to find a romantic B&B within walking distance of the french quarter. It would be nice if it was one of those small ones where the owner lives there as well, and you have a "communal breakfast"...
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    Side by side comparison of Dem candidates' health care blueprint

    Interesting side by side comparison of Dem candidates' health care blueprint:
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    Free advice to buy annutities!!! j/k

    A friend just sent this across, and looks like it might be interesting: Jump-Start Your Retirement Plan Days - NAPFA - The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
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    Anyone outsource their taxes?

    I read an article about a guy who was outsourcing his business book-keeping to an indian firm. After he was happy with their work, he inquired if they also did personal tax returns. The firm seemed to be very knowledgeable in all aspects of the tax code, and of course the main selling point was...
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    Which insurance to buy for rental car?

    Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I live in NYC, and have no car. I am going for vacation to FL and need to rent a car to drive across the state over an evening. Which insurance should I purchase from the car rental place? I will probably use the EmigrantDirect mastercard to rent it...
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    Are any of you guys organization-obsessed?

    Hey, I just had a feeling there are people here who like to micromanage their time with various tools. I am talking digital things like PDAs, and analog-based like Franklin Covey, DayTimers, etc. I just recently got work to pay for a PlannerPad ( and so far I am really...
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    Anyone use treasurydirect with paper bonds?

    I just received a stack of E and EE series US Savings Bonds from my parents. I finally got my login info for treasury direct, and I figured I could put the various paper bonds I had into the system. I can not figure out for the life of me how I "import" these into the website for redemption...
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    Funny! Efficient Market Theory, Craigslist style!

    Howard Lindzon » Craigslist Meets WallStreet...Classic
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    Does anyone do any "automated trading"?

    I have certain stock trading decisions I would like to automate. Has anyone figured out a way to do this? I know there are some brokerages that allow you to automate bits and pieces, but what if you have for instance a full blown strategy that you'd like to implement? I am not a market timer...
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    Do you guys use Closed End Funds?

    Hi, I was just wondering if you have ever dabbled into the closed end fund world. I was looking at ETFConnect - Home since I was thinking about investing in a muni bond fund, since I live in NY. Some of these things are leveraged out the wazoo and paying out 5%+ yields, in tax free interest...
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    Fire sale on FL real estate?

    One of my friends fwd'd me this link: CNTX-1845 webshellhome It sorta has that "everything must go!" feel to it since it is only for the next 10 days, but hard to believe what some of these new construction homes are going for. For instance, in Port Charlotte: POMPANO COVE #061. Twin-villa...
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    Retirees face ‘guaranteed income gap,’ Fidelity warns

    Retirees face ‘guaranteed income gap,’ Fidelity warns - Financial Week
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    Just got my apt lease renewal - venting

    I live in the big apple. It is a fun place to live with access to so much "stuff", but I really feel like the system is really built to milk you for all you are worth. Most of the stories you read are true. Many people live in closets and pay for the privelege. I have now lived here for 5 years...
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    Vulture Capital buying into Subprime Lenders

    Vulture investor Ross turns sights on subprime | Reuters It sounds like he is a very-deep-value investor. I'm wondering if it is possible for smaller investors to get in on deals like this? Is there a way to buy bankrupt company stock/debt and hope for a turn around? Or once it files, it is no...
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    Has anyone heard about Leaseback programs?

    I was perusing international real estate (always in search of a bargain) and came across something called "Leaseback programs". It looks like France is the country that seems to offer these deals. I know when they use the word "Guaranteed investment" that you should normally run, but piqued...
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    Should I worry about asset protection?

    Hi all, My wife recently graduated law school and is now working in a small law firm. Everything she does is signed off by the main attorney that owns the firm. Consequently, my wife has no liability insurance, and thinks that if anything were to go wrong, they would just go after her employer...
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    Yet another benefit to indexing

    Seems that stock ratings can be "bought". So, in yet another domain, always do your own research and homework. Hey, analyst. I’ll trade you a club membership for a good rating. - FinancialWeek
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    What to do about falling dollar?

    I keep reading about the plummeting of the US dollar. I'm wondering what the impact on investments is in the US. The market has been on a tear, is this because it is cheaper to invest in USD securities based on the cheap dollar for people outside the US? Does this figure into PE and PB ratios...
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    and in today's ... The rich get richer

    Tax Loopholes Sweeten a Deal for Blackstone - New York Times
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    Zecco: Web 2.0

    Interesting article about the direction Zecco is going with online social networking about investments:
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    Where to park short term funds at WF?

    I switched over to Wellstrade a few months ago, thanks to the people on this board passing along the info about the free trades. I read that they just changed their cash sweep to something like 1.5% or something rough like that. So, since I have free trades in many funds and ETFs, where do you...
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    News: Rydex purchased

    Sorry if this is old-news or a repost, but I just noticed this:
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    Nice finance EBook collection

    Thought some of this looked useful, although much is very basic. 30 Free eBooks To Learn Everything You Want to Know About Personal Finance » Mint | Free, Simple Personal Finance Software
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    SEC now listing companies with ties to State Sponsors of Terrorism

    State Sponsors of Terrorism Iran has the most companies listed at 43, followed by Sudan at 32, Cuba with 22, 19 in Syria, and five in North Korea. Only two companies _ U.K.-based HSBC Holdings PLC, Europe's largest bank, and Credit Suisse Group, Switzerland's second-largest bank _ had business...
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    New ETF: Sudan-Free social ETF

    I thought this was interesting. Some of these ETFs are getting razor sharp in their selection criteria. I wonder how long till we'll start seeing "World ex-al'qaeda Index" and "RAFI Democrat Causes" ETFs... It is also strange that they single out one country. I would venture to say there have...
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