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  1. C

    Fred on the economy

    Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. I laughed my butt off watching this. The sad/funny thing is that Fred is so freaking right..... We are screwed......... Video
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    2 trillion dollars loaned out, Fed won't say to who

    LINK Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose (Update2) By Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the...
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    Mish Shedlock

    If you hear his podcast from November 2006, you will see that he predicts a deflationary downturn first, with falling commodities prices and rising dollar, as credit and consumption collapses (right so far). He then predicts that afterwards a severe inflation will follow as the government fires...
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    Mish Shedlock

    He did this podcasting 2 years ago and his predictions about the economy were nothing short of amazing. It is almost as if it was recorded yesterday, since he mentions all the problems that the economy is facing today with scary accuracy. If he continues to be right, it means that what is yet to...
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    You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet

    He has been quite right on the money (pun intended) so far. The Smashing of Dreams Is Not Over
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    The Market Crashed on Me

    Great videos from the students of the Columbia Business School (CBS). Just a bit of context, Glenn Hubbard is the dean of CBS and was one of the prime candidates for the top Fed position (Bernake ended up being picked). Both videos are very well made, funny and quite relevant to todays...
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    How Wall Street Neary Destroyed the American Economy

    From everything I've read from Gary North, he was always said that once the **** hits the fan, no one can know what will happen. It can be anything, from Civil Unrest, government collapse, world war or just a very simple and uneventful depression. We are on uncharted territory now, as the world...
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    How Wall Street Neary Destroyed the American Economy

    Almost 2 years ago, Gary North published this article that is of psychic like precision about the crisis we face today. Interestingly enough, the article was hammered by Brewers and Nords, who called the author a nutjob, piglet sodomizer and many other things. Funny how things turn out the way...
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    Wow - DOW 10,000 again

    Where are all the tinfoil hats and caches of ammo jokes that were so common over here in this forum? Hold on to your panties, cause the long ride downwards is only beginning. :bat:
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    Tinfoil hats Vs. mainstream economists

    Really? Which mainstream economists do you know are against the Bailout? Could you name a few? Also, which mainstream economists were predicting the DIRE financial crisis we are in today back in 2006? Could you name a few?
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    Tinfoil hats Vs. mainstream economists

    YouTube - Peter Schiff - (Former Ron Paul Economic Advisor) Versus Art Laffer (Former Ronald McReagan Economic Advisor) - August 28, 2006 - Peter Schiff [Pimp] So, this video was aired back in August 2006. One one side we had one of the biggest "tinfoil hats" in the world, Peter Schiff. On the...
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    Bailout bill fails

    BTW, where are the people who used to make fun of the "tinfoil hats" and "piglet sodomizers" anytime someone sounded an alarm here?
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    Bailout bill fails

    The same "economists" that today are saying that without this bill the world will end were, just six months ago, saying that everything was fine and that the fundamentals were solid. The ones that were sounding the alarm 6 years ago are the same ones that today are saying that this bail out will...
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    Bailout bill fails

    I guess I am the only one here who is happy about the outcome. It will hurt for the short term, but in the long term, it is best to let te market sort itself out. I still have faith in Capitalism.
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    One sane politician.....

    Besides Ron Paul, there is. I love her take on the financial meltdown. VIDEO 1 THEY WANT MAMA TO MAKE IT ALL BETTER!
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    So Far, So Good . . . If You Did What I Said

    But did you?
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    Another one from the piglet sodomizer. Again, his article has no mention of the end of the world, advices for stockpiling food and ammo or anything alike. But his outlook is really bad. ARTICLE
  18. C

    Gary North..on the $200B Fed plan

    Brewer REALLY does not like our piglet sodomizer friend, mr. Gary North. The funny thing is that every time Gary North writes something, Brewer comes forward and accuses the guy of saying or claiming things that, if you read the text carefully, are never mentioned at all. Despite all of what...
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    What if House Prices Fall by 30% Worldwide?

    I love when my favorite "piglet sodomizer" writes articles like this. "Optimists think this housing market is going to reverse in 2009. I am not among them. This is an international phenomenon. The decline in on-paper wealth is going to shake the...
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    'Damn the torpedoes' isn't good policy

    Yes I do. However, I must disclose that I was born and raised in Brazil, which suffered from chronic hyper-inflation during the 80s, so I am more sensitive towards inflation risks than most Americans. However, the fact that the great leader is pushing a 3 trillion dollar budget scares me a lot...
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    'Damn the torpedoes' isn't good policy

    I think they should be raising rates, actually.
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    'Damn the torpedoes' isn't good policy

    An overly aggressive rate-easing campaign by the Federal Reserve would only fuel higher inflation down the road, Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser said Wednesday. LINK
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    Time to Invest More Money in the US?

    Well, there is this guy called Ron Paul.....
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    Time to Invest More Money in the US?

    So, the problem is not that the government spends too much and in a poorly manner. The problem is that we are not being taxed enough yet, and once that is "corrected" by the commu...I mean, the democrats, we will be out of the woods. Is that it?
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    Bank of America - Anyone use 'em?

    I use them to buy stocks (the unlimited free trades offer) and I am very happy with the experience so far.
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