Search results

  1. C

    Looking for a town to raise children

    I'm not sure that this is the right place to ask the question, but I am young and dreaming... My wife and I have a 3.5 mo. old baby and live in Arlington, VA. We love Arlington, but to afford it we don't live in the best neighborhood. It was ok before we were parents, but the kids in the area...
  2. C

    Outlook for a 27 yr old who wants to quit

    I'm married with no kids at 27 and I'm planning on quitting my job in a few months to start a business in graphic design and web development. I'm not totally happy at work and I've been dreaming of my own business for 7 years. I'd love some reaction and advice. Here's my current situation...
  3. C

    27, married and semi-obsessed with retiring early

    I've found this forum a few months ago and have been avidly reading people's opinions. Without getting into too much detail (althoug I will if I need to) I want to hear what your opinions are on saving for retirement or just killing off mortgage debt. I purchased a duplex in 2003 inside the...
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