Search results

  1. SamHouston

    Identity Theft at eBay and PayPal

    When I checked email this morning, I found one from the eBay people verifying that I had changed my country of residence from the U.S. to England. Well, that was a bit eye-catching, to say the least, since I woke up in Houston again this morning. But when I logged in to my account, sure...
  2. SamHouston

    Hillary Spoofs the Soprano Ending

    I'm not a fan of Hillary's but I think this little video is extremely clever. Look for a familiar Soprano face in the crowd. (The video concerns the song to be used for her campaign.) » Hillary Spoofs ‘Sopranos’ Finale
  3. SamHouston

    Do you dread weekends?

    I'm finally getting settled in with the RE mindset and a strange realization hit me yesterday morning: I really don't like weekends anymore. The coffee shop is crowded, bookstores are crammed with customers who practically trash the stores, lines are longer everywhere, it takes longer to get...
  4. SamHouston

    Guilt Trips & Other Doubts

    As I ever so slowly get closer and closer to being able to retire (somewhat early), I'm starting to notice a depressing trend among relatives, friends, and co-workers. My peer group is aging right along with me, so the subject of retirement and lack of job satisfaction is a common one we get...
  5. SamHouston

    My Goal: No more financial advisor rip-offs

    Hi, folks. A recent rude awakening about what my "financial advisor" has REALLY been costing me has helped focus me in on taking a more direct hand in my own future. I came to find out that he was much more interested in his own financial future then in mine when it came to making use of the...
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